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08-01 投稿


romantic 发音

英:[roʊˈmæntɪk]  美:[rəʊˈmæntɪk]

英:  美:

romantic 中文意思翻译





romantic 常用词组

romantic love ─── 浪漫爱情

romantic movement ─── 浪漫主义运动(十八世纪末及十九世纪初西欧掀起的文学艺术运动)

new romantic ─── 新浪漫;新浪漫主义

romantic 反义词


romantic 词性/词形变化,romantic变形

复数--romantics;比较级--more romantic;最高级--most romantic。

romantic 同义词

freaky | cow-eyed | fictitious | fictive | lustful | excitable | fantastic | odd | freakish | overemotional | extravagant | susceptible | wild-eyed | phantasmic | irregular | sugary | dreamy | phantasmal | whimsical | wild | strange | cloud-built | amorous | sentimental | mythological | improbable | fanciful | farfetched | head-in-the-clouds | hot | unreal | star-gazer | imaginary | demonstrative | quixotic | imaginative | chimerical | impressionable | unsubstantial | affectionate | impractical | fervid | queer | romanticist | fond | emotional | figmentary | unrealistic | starry-eyed | ardent | flighty | turned-on | amatory | sensitive | idealist | original | mythical | loving | fancied | passionate | aroused | saccharine | visionary | mushy | tender | closet | maudlin

romantic 短语词组

1、hopeless romantic ─── 情痴

2、flowers says romantic life ─── 花儿说浪漫生活

3、romantic realism ─── [网络] 浪漫写实主义;理想主义与现实主义;浪漫的现实主义

4、Isn't It Romantic? ─── 是不 ─── 是很浪漫?

5、more romantic romantic( ─── 浪漫的,谈情说爱的,多情的,风流的,香艳的)的比较级形式

6、dark romantic ─── 黑暗浪漫主义

7、cherish the romantic universe ─── 珍惜浪漫的宇宙

8、romantic poets ─── 浪漫主义的诗人

9、closet romantic ─── 密室浪漫主义

10、Romantic Movement ─── [网络] 浪漫主义运动;浪漫主义运动中;浪漫运动

11、the romantic idol ─── 浪漫偶像

12、english romantic song ─── 英国浪漫歌曲

13、romantic love ─── 艳情

14、first romantic ─── 第一次浪漫

15、most romantic romantic( ─── 浪漫的,谈情说爱的,多情的,风流的,香艳的)的最高级形式

16、New Romantic ─── 新浪漫; ─── 新浪漫主义

17、happy romantic day ─── 浪漫的一天快乐

18、the romantic ─── 浪漫主义者

19、a new romantic cycle begins ─── 新的浪漫周期开始了

romantic 相似词语短语

1、unromantic ─── adj.平淡无奇的

2、-mantic ─── adj.预言的,占卜的

3、myomantic ─── 肌性

4、geomantic ─── adj.风水的

5、romantics ─── 浪漫

6、pyromantic ─── 炽热的

7、zoomantic ─── 放大

8、aromatic ─── adj.芳香的,芬芳的;芳香族的;n.芳香植物;芳香剂

9、romantical ─── adj.浪漫的;多情的;空想的(romantic的变形)

romantic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"Yes, lovely. It was terribly romantic!" she said. ─── 她回答说:“是的,很有情调!当时可真是浪漫极了!”

2、Her amatory affairs ; a romantic adventure . ─── 她的恋爱故事:浪漫的冒险。

3、He is a very romantic person. ─── 他是个非常浪漫的人。

4、He has a romantic temperament. ─── 他富有浪漫气质。

5、They sang a slow romantic number. ─── 他们演唱了一首缓慢的浪漫歌曲。

6、Clara knew of Miss Pale's romantic admiration of Sir Willoughby. ─── 克莱拉知道帕尔**对威洛比爵士充满浪漫色彩的敬慕之情。

7、She churns out romantic novels. ─── 她写了很多浪漫**,质量很差。

8、His head in stuffed with silly romantic ideas. ─── 他满脑子天真浪漫的想法。

9、He was a romantic who went off to the South Seas to paint pictures. ─── 他远赴南海去绘画,是个富有浪漫气质的人。

10、His head is stuffed with silly romantic ideas. ─── 他满脑子天真的想法。

11、Churn out silly romantic novels. ─── 大量编造可笑的浪漫**。

12、German is not as romantic as French. ─── 德国人不如法国人生性浪漫。

13、Adventure is just a romantic name for trouble. ─── 冒险是自找麻烦的浪漫说法。

14、Winter is always so short-lived but romantic. ─── 冬天经常是短暂但又浪漫。

15、You'll learn how romantic and beautiful a real man can be. ─── 你可以感受到一个真正的男人是可以多么浪漫,多么美丽。

16、I wonder if you can share your romantic story with us ? ─── 和我们谈谈你的浪漫史吧。

17、The original national name is so romantic! ─── 原来国家的名字如此浪漫!

18、CD:? Original romantic music cello and guitar? ─── 大提琴与吉他试听?

19、The dimmed lights made the evening more romantic. ─── 幽暗的灯光使傍晚更加浪漫。

20、She made a lot of money writing romantic fantasies. ─── “她靠写浪漫幻想故事挣了很多钱”。

21、To Philip her words called up much more romantic fancies. ─── 她的话唤起菲利浦更加浪漫的遐想。

22、So he painted a beautiful romantic relationship. ─── 于是他画了一个代表美丽浪漫关系的画。

23、He has been grinding out cheap romantic stories at the rate of one a week. ─── 他一直以每周一篇的速度生拼硬凑廉价的浪漫**。

24、During the nineteenth century, many composers wrote romantic music. ─── 19世纪,许多作曲家写过浪漫乐曲。

25、She's a dreamer and a romantic by temperament. ─── 她生性异想天开,浪漫多情。

26、Isn't it romantic to go boating in a warm day? ─── 在温和的天气里去划船不很浪漫吗?

27、Alone is the winter snowflake, romantic infinite. ─── 单身是冬天的雪花,浪漫无限。

28、She has romantic ideas about being an actress. ─── 她幻想要当一名演员。

29、A popular song especially of a romantic or sentimental nature. ─── 伤感的情歌尤指浪漫的或伤感的流行歌曲

30、Romantic Reaganites, or steady ones? ─── 富于幻想的里根派,还是稳健的里根派?

31、Her cameo broach adds to her romantic look. ─── 她的宝石别针更为她增添了浪漫的感觉。

32、Today is a very romantic day,Tanabata ! ─── 今天是一个非常浪漫的一天,七夕!

33、First things first: A romantic di er for two. ─── 其中,最重要的一个约会项目就是:共进一顿浪漫美餐。

34、"Dear me, how romantic!" exclaimed Meg. ─── “天呀,太浪漫了!”,玫尖叫起来。

35、EAST ROSE GARDEN be existent for a romantic heart! ─── 东方玫瑰园,为浪漫的心而存在!

36、Amorous or romantic attachment; love. ─── 多情的或浪漫的爱慕;爱

37、He was romantic with a capital R. ─── 他纯属浪漫派。

38、What romantic dose belgium have? ─── 国家的浪漫?

39、She has always been a sucker for romantic movies. ─── 她从古至今对浪漫的**都很入迷。

40、The Small Parlor with romantic European charm. ─── 典雅精致的小客厅,具有浪漫的欧式风情。

41、Wordsworth was a defining member of the English Romantic Movement. ─── 华兹华斯是英国浪漫主义诗歌的代表人物之一。

42、Don't get carried away with romantic notions. ─── 不要被不切实际的想法弄得忘乎所以。

43、He is very romantic about life. ─── 他对於人生充满着幻想。

44、As if things are not bad enough, Miss Lavish published a second-rate romantic novel, and inside, a kiss scene on the top of an Italian hill! ─── 好像事情还不够糟糕,拉维希**出版了一本二流言情**,书已竟有一场在意大利的山上的吻戏!

45、She has romantic notions about becoming a famous actress. ─── 她心里充满幻想,总希望有一天会成为著名演员。

46、It has an indescribable romantic charm. ─── 它具有一种难以形容的神韵。

47、But is there more to it, than just chocolates, romantic dinners and sweet nothings? ─── 但是除了巧克力、浪漫宴会和情话之外,这一天还有什么别的特别之处吗?

48、There was the usual romantic postscript at the end of his letter. ─── 他的信末又是一贯的浪漫附言。

49、The Elizabethan Age is the age of romantic poetry . ─── 伊丽莎白文学时代是英国情诗的伟大年代。

50、His playing stamps him as a Romantic. ─── 他的剧本表明他是一个浪漫主义者。

51、They buzzed about Halley's romantic affair. ─── 他们嘁嘁喳喳地谈论哈利的风流韵事。

52、Says Payer:"Wearing words next to the skin is a romantic notion. ─── 帕耶说:“将文字紧贴肤肌戴在身上是一种浪漫。

53、There are rumours and slanders canarding about her romantic deeds. ─── 关于她的风流韵事有许多流言蜚语正在流传着。

54、That's, as we all know, too romantic to be true. ─── 像我们知道的那样,太浪漫的不能是真实的。

55、They buzzed about Halley's romantic affair. ─── 他们嘁嘁喳喳地谈论哈利的风流韵事.

56、She has a dreamy romantic nature. ─── 她爱幻想又多情。

57、Hollywood's latest tactic for trying to convince men to watch romantic comedies is to deny that the movies are romantic comedies at all. ─── 最近,为了劝说男性观看浪漫喜剧,好莱坞采用了决然否认即将上演的**是浪漫喜剧的策略。

58、First things first: A romantic dinner for two. ─── 其中,最重要的一个约会项目就是:共进一顿浪漫美餐。

59、Paul flavored the evening with a romantic movie. ─── 保罗用一部爱情**给那一夜增添了风情。

60、The movie is a romantic comedy. ─── 这部**是一个浪漫喜剧。

61、You're a hopeless romantic. ─── 你是个无可救药的浪漫主义者。

62、Having taken a sudden,often romantic,liking(to sb. ─── (对某人)突然喜爱(常指情爱)

63、In true romantic-comedy fashion, the heel of my shoe got stuck in the pavement, and I had to lean down to pull it out just as he walked in. ─── 我们的重逢颇有浪漫喜剧的风格:我的鞋跟陷进了路边,当我弯腰去拔的时候,他正巧路过。

64、Rose: You're more of a hopeless romantic than I am. ─── 你比我还更是无可救药的浪漫主义者。

65、You're fun to be with and a romantic at heart. ─── 和你相处很有趣,你实际上是个很罗曼蒂克的人。

66、While we're not quite ready to give up on the romantic ideal, the book did get us thinking about why a woman chooses a particular mate. ─── 虽然我们并不准备放弃对浪漫的理想,这本书也让我们思考为什么一个女人选择这个特定的伴侣。

67、You are so wonderfully romantic. ─── 你总是充满着浪漫情调。

68、How about the Hiton? That's a romantic place. ─── 希尔顿如何?那是很浪漫的地方。

69、Oh, Evan! I didn't know you were so romantic! ─── 哦,艾凡!没想到你这么罗曼蒂克!

70、She was a romantic girl, and gave the impression that she would be quite willing to be run away with by any young man that flattered her. ─── 她是一个浪漫的女孩子,给人的印象是,只要有年轻人对她说些甜言蜜语,她就愿意与他一起私奔。

71、Valentine's Day is a very romantic day. ─── 情人节是个非常浪漫的节日。

72、It tells a romantic and humorous love. ─── 它讲述了一个浪漫而诙谐的爱情故事。

73、She churns out trashy romantic novels. ─── 她不断拼凑些无聊的爱情**。

74、Oh,it's the beginning of a romantic story. It looks good. ─── 哦,这是一个故事的开头,看起来不错。

75、On our first date he took me to a noisy nightclub, whereas my Mr Right would have taken me for a romantic candlelit dinner. ─── 第一次约会,他带我去了一个喧闹的夜店,然而我的白马王子应该带我去吃一个浪漫的烛光晚餐。

76、They sang a slow romantic number. ─── 他们演唱了一首缓慢的浪漫歌曲。

77、The old abbey ruins look very romantic in the moonlight. ─── 古修道院的废墟在月光下显得颇有浪漫气息。

78、She thought that reading romantic novels was a frivolous way of spending her time. ─── 她认为看浪漫**是虚度时光。

79、Coffee ---- The most classical romantic of life. ─── 咖啡----生活中最经典的浪漫

80、A poet, a vagrant, had a romantic dream of life. ─── 一个诗人,一个流浪汉,梦想着过浪漫的生活。

81、What is the most romantic in the world? ─── 世界是最浪漫的事是什么?

82、There was no particular romantic attachment between them. ─── 他们之间谈不到甜蜜的爱情。

83、They had a very romantic evening. ─── 他们过了一个很浪漫的夜晚.

84、She thinks it will be romantic to be an actress. ─── 她认为当个女演员会很浪漫。

85、I hoped that boy can take to me to be joyful, he will prepare food, understands humorously, and can build a romantic love together with me. ─── 我希望那个男孩能带给我快乐,他会做菜,懂幽默,并且能和我共同营造一份浪漫的爱情。

86、Vampire and a girl romantic love story !! ─── 吸血鬼与人的唯美爱情故事!!

87、Coutries'name, how can be so Romantic? ─── 国名可以如此浪漫?

88、Dalian Romantic Times Hotel Co., Ltd. ─── 大连浪漫时代客舍有限公司。

89、To be dazzled or enraptured, as with romantic love. ─── 在(某人的)眼中有幸福感:被倾倒或被迷住的,如在浪漫爱情






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