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08-01 投稿


consolation 发音

英:[ˌkɑːnsəˈleɪʃ(ə)n]  美:[ˌkɒnsəˈleɪʃ(ə)n]

英:  美:

consolation 中文意思翻译



consolation 同义词

solace | comfort | relief | solacement | support | succor

consolation 反义词

agony | distress | trouble |pain

consolation 常用词组

consolation prize ─── 安慰奖

consolation 短语词组

1、seek consolation in ─── 在...中寻求安慰

2、consolation meaning ─── 安慰的意义

3、consolation money ─── [法] 慰抚金

4、consolation race ─── 安慰赛跑

5、consolation prize n. ─── 安慰奖或精神奖

6、consolation prizes ─── 安慰奖鼓励奖

7、consolation definition ─── 安慰定义

8、consolation no ─── 安慰号

9、consolation of philosophy ─── 哲学的慰藉

10、consolation game ─── 落选赛

11、consolation match ─── 安慰赛

12、consolation pool ─── 安慰池

consolation 词性/词形变化,consolation变形


consolation 习惯用语

1、Dutch consolation ─── 聊以自慰的宽解; 不起作用的安慰

consolation 相似词语短语

1、consociation ─── n.联合;联盟;合作

2、consolations ─── n.安慰;慰问;起安慰作用的人或事物

3、consultation ─── n.咨询;磋商;[临床]会诊;讨论会

4、connotation ─── n.内涵;含蓄;暗示,隐含意义;储蓄的东西(词、语等)

5、congelation ─── n.冻结,凝结;冻结物

6、conflation ─── n.合并;异文合成本

7、consolidation ─── n.巩固;合并;团结

8、condonation ─── n.(夫妻间对对方通奸的)宽恕;赦免;赎罪

9、consolating ─── 安慰

consolation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The prize of our high calling is a sufficient consolation for us.The rewards of obedience make us scorn the scorning of the scorner. ─── 因著顺服上帝而得的报偿,使我们可以将嘲笑者的讥讽不屑,还诸他们。

2、However, to give consolation is that his replacement Manninger good performance, has been recognized in all aspects. ─── 不过,能够给人安慰的是,他的替补曼宁格的表现不错,得到了各方面的认可。

3、The Liverpool defender was embarrassingly turned inside out by Nejc Pecnik before Zlatan Ljubijankic headed home Slovenia's late consolation. ─── 利物浦后卫在边路被佩克尼克左晃右突传中,卢比扬基奇头球为斯洛文尼亚最后时刻挽回颜面。

4、There is some consolation in the city that it is worse in the suburbs. ─── 城里人这么自我安慰:郊区的情况更加糟糕。

5、But that is scant consolation to suburban voters with long daily commutes to work, summer travel plans and big, inefficient cars. ─── 但这不足以安慰每天开很长的路上下班、有着夏季旅行计划、开体型大耗油高汽车的郊区中产阶级选民。

6、At hour 12 part of alveolar wall thickened, less alveolar space, partial consol. ─── 12h部分肺泡壁增厚,肺泡腔减少,部分实变;

7、Listen carefully to my words; let this be the consolation you give me. ─── 你们要细听我的言语,就算是你们安慰我。

8、The only consolation for the baseball team is that they look likely to get another chance. ─── 对这支棒球队的惟一安慰是他们看来可能会得到另一次机会。

9、My only consolation is your letters and phone calls. ─── 你的来信和来电是我唯一的慰藉。

10、But woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation in full. ─── 但你们富足的人有祸了,因为你们充分地受了你们的安慰。

11、God does well in giving the grace of consolation, but man does evil in not returning everything gratefully to God. ─── 天主赏赐神乐,是天主仁慈;但人受恩不报,有神乐不归功于天主,那就错了。

12、She missed out on the top job,but as a consolation prize was made deputy chairman. ─── 她失去了就任最高职位的机会,但作为安抚,她被任命为副董事长。

13、"But it is still my consolation, And I rejoice in unsparing pain, That I have not denied the words of the Holy One. ─── 伯6:10我因没有违弃那圣者的言语、就仍以此为安慰、在不止息的痛苦中、还可踊跃。

14、Still, the track coach had offered me a walk-on spot, and I actually found the urban Atlanta campus a decent consolation prize after New York City. ─── 尽管如此,田径教练还是给了我一个实地考察的机会。事实上,与纽约市相比,我发现亚特兰大市区的校园是一个不错的安慰奖。

15、The only consolation is that one then marches up to A, gives them a rocket and watches them squirm. ─── 唯一可以排解的是,找到甲,把他痛骂一顿,让他难为情。

16、Before I left the contest, I gave Linda my Star Trek cardboard cutout as a consolation prize . ─── 在我离开竞赛现场之前,我把我的《星际迷航》纸板的边角料作为安慰奖送给了琳达。

17、Love itself is a fairy tale which has accompanied us from young to old . It is the best consolation to us afterward . ─── 从初恋一路到白头的爱情本身就是一个童话,这是后来给我们最好的安慰。

18、They use music as a consolation or an escape. ─── 他们用音乐作为一贴安慰剂或逃避现实的手段。

19、You are a consolation to me at such a sad time. ─── 在这样的悲哀时刻你是能给我带来安慰的人。

20、Plenty of people have died in the war, but victory is the best consolation for them. ─── 国殇甚众,但战争胜利是对他们最好的告慰。

21、But it is only small consolation for Rio. ─── 但对力拓而言,这只是一个小小的安慰。

22、Your kindness was a consolation to me in my grief. ─── 你的好意对处痛苦中的于我是一种安慰

23、The defects of great men are the consolation of dunces. ─── 伟人有缺点是愚人的安慰.

24、Thus I found consolation even on a lonely snowy night. ─── 于是雨雪寂寞之夜,也有了慰安了!

25、But woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation. ─── 但你们富足的人有祸了。因为你们受过你们的安慰。

26、That she is still alive is a consolation. ─── 她还活着,这是使人宽慰的。

27、This is the result for March 26, 2008。 See 1294 in the starter and permuting in the consolation. ─── 今年3月26日,1294,开在大马彩入围,调字开在安慰。

28、My only consolation is that I had not the power of venting these barbarities on any sentient creature. ─── 好在我不是那么有力量的人,能对任何有生命的东西身上发泄自己的残暴。

29、Thus I found consolation even on a lonely snowy night! ─── 于是雨雪寂寞之夜,也有了慰安了!

30、Mama, was always good at fooling people, and I used to take her cajolery as consolation. ─── 世上的妈妈都最会骗人,我们把妈妈的诓骗叫作安慰。

31、Your solicitude was a great consolation to me. ─── 你对我的关怀给了我莫大的安慰。

32、The only consolation may be that it is still early. ─── 唯一的慰藉是时间还早。

33、It will not be much consolation for Shell that rivals, too, have their share of problems trying to do business in Iraq. ─── 尽管其竞争对手在伊拉克的商业尝试同样被种种问题困扰,但这不会给壳牌带来多大慰籍。

34、The true consolation for the bullied is to remember that when bullies fall, they fall hard. ─── 使被欺负者真正感到慰藉的是,霸王一旦失势,便会摔得很重。

35、They turn to the religious quarter for consolation. ─── 他们转向宗教那里去寻安慰。

36、And the sick man answered: "Thou wouldst give me great consolation if thou couldst get me a pig's foot to eat. ─── ”那个生病的人回答说:“如果你可以给我弄一个猪蹄来吃,那就会给我带来很大的安慰.

37、The children were a great consolation to him when his wife died. ─── 他妻子去世后,几个孩子就是他极大的安慰。

38、Mr Kaminski was promptly given the new group's leadership as a consolation prize. ─── 作为安慰奖,卡明斯基随即被任命为这个新集团的领导人。

39、He found himself at a loss for words of consolation. ─── 他简直想不出安慰的话来。

40、But kiss me out of desire, babe, and not consolation. ─── 不需要安慰,只要让我安静下来就好。

41、IT IS not hard to spurn human consolation when we have the divine. ─── 人有神慰时,能轻视人间的安慰,不算希奇。

42、Offer consolation, but don't give them any direction. ─── 可为别人提供安慰,但不要替他们拿主意;

43、But this brought him little in the way of consolation, for today he was terrified of his thoughts. ─── 但这也没给他带来多少安慰,因为今天,他已被自己的种种想法搅得惊恐不安。

44、It was no consolation to Miss Elizabeth that she was losing weight. ─── 体重正在减轻对伊丽莎白小姐而言并非是一种安慰。

45、She had the misfortune to witness her daughter Polyxena, her sole consolation in bondage, sacrificed at the tomb of Achilles. ─── 可是,不幸的命运又使她看到了被冲到海边的儿子的尸体。

46、Oh, and the scant consolation that their bitter Blue rivals Manchester City lost as well. ─── 哦,还有,他们缺少稳定性的同城对手蓝军曼城也输了。

47、If she had raved in delirium, or moaned in fever, he could have spoken after his wont, and given his opinion, his advice, and his consolation. ─── 她如果是满口胡话,或是热病呻吟,那他就会象惯常一般地发表意见,提出劝告或加意安慰。

48、In such a doctrine there is, to my mind, no vestige of comfort or consolation. ─── 在我看来,这种学说中没有丝毫的安乐和慰藉。

49、You boys were a great consolation to me when your father died. ─── 你父亲去世时,你们几个孩子对我来说是一大安慰。

50、He would repeat the word "Yeomen" as if it afforded him consolation. ─── 他要把自耕农三个字重复一下,好象给他安慰似的。

51、Divine omniscience affords no comfort to the ungodly mind, but to the child of God it overflows with consolation. ─── 上帝全知的意念对不敬畏祂的人是毫无意义可言,但是向上帝的儿女却满溢慰藉。

52、But he who prophesies speaks building up and encouragement and consolation to men. ─── 但那申言的,是对人讲说建造、勉励和安慰。

53、I lived here for a while and learned how beauty is the consolation of every past empire. ─── 我在这里居住了些时日,并了解到每个昔日帝国能带给你多么美丽的安慰。

54、They wrote to us offering consolation. ─── 他们写信给我们表示慰问。

55、There was something so commanding in the distress of the old man, that Heyward did not dare to venture a syllable of consolation. ─── 在老人的伤感中,有一种威严的意味,使得海沃德不敢说一句话来安慰他。

56、The government got many telegrams and letters of consolation when the President died. ─── "总统去世时,政府收到许多慰问电函。"

57、If it's any consolation, she didn't get the job, either. ─── 唯一令人安慰的是,她也没有得到那份工作。

58、Listen carefully to my speech, And let this be your way of consolation. ─── 伯21:2你们要细听我的言语、就算是你们安慰我。

59、Her appointment was seen as a consolation prize after she lost the election. ─── 她的任命被认为是对她落选的安慰。

60、There is some consolation for fans because the team still stands a chance of winning the local championship. ─── 使球迷感到有些安慰的是这个队仍然有机会赢得当地比赛冠军。

61、From the absoluteness of the “me” a great deal of religious consolation can be spun. ─── 从绝对的“我”中,可以编织出许多宗教的慰藉。

62、Blessed is the soul who hears the Lord speaking within her, who receives the word of consolation from His lips. ─── 听到天主在她内发言的灵魂是有福的,她从天主的口中领受了安慰的言语。

63、In a moving and emotionally charged statement he said that "building a new town is the best consolation for dead relatives". ─── 在一个充满感情的,令人感动的发言中,他还说:“建一座新的城市是对死去的亲人们最好的安慰。”

64、As a longtime journalist, I feel some consolation to see the connections between the reporters they were and the writers they became. ─── 做了很长时间记者,能看到他们曾经作为记者和后来成为作家之间的联系,我觉得很安慰。

65、Your presence was a great consolation to us. ─── 你的在场对我们来说是一大安慰。

66、The next match will probably offer them the consolation of winning. ─── 下一场比赛可能给他们带来获胜的安慰。

67、But if it's any consolation, he looked really sad. ─── 但是如果这能安慰你的话他看起来很伤心。

68、For we have great joy and consolation in thy love, because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee, brother. ─── 兄弟阿,我为你的爱心,大有快乐,大得安慰。因众圣徒的心从你得了畅快。

69、In a World Cup tournament already ablaze with accusations of gamesmanship,the only consolation comes in the reaction of the ITV commentators. ─── 在这届违反体育精神行为备受指责的世界杯赛场上,唯一的安慰来自英国独立电视台的解说员。

70、She missed out on the top job, but as a consolation prize was made deputy chairman. ─── 她失去了就任最高职位的机会, 但还算是中了安慰奖, 她被任命为副董事长.

71、The consolation is cars not damaged serious, ppl all safe, didn't hurt. ─── 不幸之中的幸是车都损毁不太严重,人都平安无损伤。

72、But the consolation is this: I really like our house, our neighbors and the quaint suburban town where we're now putting down roots. ─── 但可堪安慰的是:我真的很喜欢我们的房子、所处的社区和我们现在所安顿下来的幽雅的郊区小镇。

73、The prophet, instead, addresses all people to give them strength, encouragement and consolation. ─── 但那做先知的,却是向人说建树、劝慰和鼓励的话。

74、On the other hand, the one who prophesies speaks to people for their upbuilding and encouragement and consolation. ─── 但作先知讲道的,是对人说,要造就、安慰、劝勉人。

75、Fanny's best consolation was in what he said and this was not quite sufficient to do away with the pain of her inner heart. ─── 他的一番话是对范妮的最大安慰。但是这不足以克服她的内心之苦。

76、She met Gerty's lamentable eyes, fixed on her in a despairing effort at consolation . ─── 她看到葛泰在用无可奈何的悲伤目光安慰自己。

77、If there was any consolation, it was that the glacial pace of nature would give us decades or even centuries to sort out the problem. ─── 如果能有解决办法的话,那就是自然的缓慢速度给我们几十年甚至是几百年去解决这个问题。

78、He turned aside from all illusions, detached himself more and more from earth, and sought strength and consolation elsewhere. ─── 他丢开一切幻想,逐渐放弃了他对这个世界的留恋,想到别处去找安慰和力量。

79、I was trying to say to John then that it is a game of football. It does not sound much consolation at the minute. ─── 我试着告诉特里这只是一场比赛,但在目前的情况下,我的安慰似乎不怎么管用。

80、It was no consolation to Miss Elizabeth that she was losing weight. ─── 体重正在减轻对伊丽莎白小姐而言并非是一种安慰。

81、Which when they had read, they rejoiced for the consolation. ─── 31众人念了,因为信上安慰的话,就欢喜了。

82、At hour 24 there was widely neutrophil infiltration and largely consol region. ─── 24h广泛性嗜中性粒细胞浸润,出现较大实变区;

83、That which exists was for this good and rare priest a permanent subject of sadness which sought consolation. ─── 世间存在的一切事物,对这位不可多得的慈悲神甫,都是引起恻隐之心和济世宏愿的永恒的动力。

84、But only a minority will find as much consolation in quantum physics as in the prospect of reuniting with their dearly departed in heaven. ─── 不过,只有少数人能在量子物理中得到与去世的亲人在天堂中重逢这一想法同样的慰藉。

85、His letters of advice and consolation entertained me vastly. ─── 他的劝告和安慰的信使我非常开心。

86、Get third prize is poor consolation for all their hard work. ─── 他们那麽努力才获得三等奖,真有点说不过去。

87、He had earthly consolation and affections. ─── 在尘世间他能得到慰籍和施以感情之处。

88、Thus I found consolation even on a lonely snowy night ! ─── 于是雨雪寂寞之夜,也有了安慰了!

89、The morning after her death, Reuben Butler went to offer his mite of consolation to his old friend and benefactor. ─── 她去世的第二天早晨,鲁本·巴特勒来到他老朋友与恩人那里,向他表示慰唁。

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