exemplar 发音
英:[ɪg'zemplə; eg-] 美:[ɪɡ'zɛmplɑr]
英: 美:
exemplar 中文意思翻译
exemplar 词性/词形变化,exemplar变形
exemplar 短语词组
1、exemplar-based ─── 基于范例
exemplar 相似词语短语
1、exemplary ─── adj.典范的;惩戒性的;可仿效的
2、exemplum ─── n.例证;例示
3、exempla ─── 例证;例示(exemplum的复数)
4、exemplarity ─── 模范性
5、examplar ─── 例子
6、Templar ─── n.圣殿骑士;共济会会员
7、exemplarism ─── 榜样主义
8、exemplarily ─── adv.作为模范地;可为鉴戒地
9、exemplars ─── 标本(exemplar的名词复数)
exemplar 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Normal Universities: Exemplar of Practicing Instruction of SCHD ─── 高师院校应成为实施社会主义荣辱观教育的典范
2、Meantime a supervised learner is trained with the exemplar expressions and learns the correlations between them. ─── 同时,用各种样本表情来训练一种监督式学习器,使其学会各种表情之间的相关性。
3、It also found that even there was not such exemplar exited,people still did not used the prototype that had formed. ─── 实验2还发现,即使不存在上述样例,被试仍然没有启用相关的原型。
4、Of course, for much of its history the United States was no more an exemplar of human rights than were the Romans or the Mongols. ─── 当然,在很长一段历史期间,美国并非是一个比罗马或蒙古更讲人权的国家。
5、Methods Anatomise exemplar of adult maxillary artery, observe the path and measure the data of maxillary artery. ─── 方法对固定的成人上颌动脉标本进行外科解剖。观测上颌动脉走行及各分支的数据。
6、He was not always an easy man, but she was devoted to him and became an exemplar of wifely support. ─── 约翰逊有时脾气不好,但她对约翰逊始终不离不弃,成为妻子支持丈夫的楷模。
7、We will again be the exemplar of freedom and the beacon of hope for those who do not now have freedom ─── 我们将再度成为自由的典范,成为现在还没有获得自由的那些人的希望之光。
8、Her main protagonist is Thomas Cromwell.His rise from working-class obscurity to king's righthand man has always fascinated historians as an exemplar of ruthless Tudor social mobility. ─── 书中的主人公是托马斯戈容威尔,他那一段从坊间布衣成长为国王的得力亲信的故事始终让历史学者为之着迷,并将他作为黑暗都铎王朝社会阶级流动的典范。
9、Keywords PC 3D geometry modeling,STL,rapid prototype,accuracy,surface roughness,contact angle,residual ash content,heat expansion coefficient,precision casting process,metal functional exemplar; ─── 微机三维几何造型;STL;快速原型;精度;表面粗糙度;接触角;残余灰分;膨胀系数;精铸成形工艺;金属功能样件;
10、exemplar quantity ─── 意识知识
11、JIN-QING:Grand master exemplar ─── 中宪大夫
12、In France, Mr Frucher's exemplar, a strong marketing campaign has glamorized the former sport of kings.It transformed the sport's clientele; ─── 在法国,弗拉切就有个可学习的榜样,一场强劲的市场活动使得曾经的赛马大王重新呼风唤雨。
13、wood exemplar ─── 木材标本
14、But he wished to be an exemplar in these things he could not get on ─── 不过他在这种事情里,虽然心里想作一个好榜样,而要他真那样办可就不行了。
15、And "relation effect"could dilute the effects of exemplar activation. ─── 另外 ,“关联效应”会冲淡样例激活效应。
16、Improved method for paraffin slices of rat eyeball exemplar ─── 大鼠眼球标本石蜡切片的改良制作方法
17、Two young aid ad agency employees decided to set up a website to thank Mr Gori further for his exemplar behaviourexemplary behavior. ─── 两位广告公司的年轻人决定建立一个网站来进一步感谢格里的模范行为。
18、Interferogram region spreading technology based on exemplar matching[J]. ─── 引用该论文 苏俊宏,朱日宏,陈磊,何勇,李建欣.
19、exemplar matching ─── 样本匹配
20、exemplar learning task ─── 学习课业示例
21、The Soul hatch is another exemplar of the newer branding strategy. ─── 舱口的灵魂是另一个典范新的品牌战略.
22、Information technology - Process Assessment - Part 5: An exemplar Process Assessment Model ─── 信息技术。过程评定。第5部分:一种样本过程评定模式
23、Experiment 2 showed that the reason for this finding was people used an exemplar of the protagonist engaged in this activity to interpret this type of information. ─── 实验2证明了出现这一结果是因为人们在理解这些事件时利用了过去生活中与当前描述相同的具体样例。
24、It shows that a new type of rural school in China is emerging with the characteristics of scientific education and research, exemplar service and self development. ─── 它显示了一所体现着科学育人、科研开发、服务示范、形象宣传、自我造血等多功能的中国新型乡村学校正在崛起。
25、More significantly however is the role of exemplar along these lines that Sun is likely ever to play both internally and externally in relation to Chinese political identity. ─── 然而,更重要的是他所立下的典范,因为孙中山很可能想透过这种模式来表现他的中国政治家身份,不论是对内或对外。
26、Using evidence-based medicine as an exemplar, the author identifies ways of closing the prevailing" research-practice gap" the failure of organizations and managers to base practices on best available evidence. ─── 以基于实证的医学为例,作者提出了终止目前普遍存在的“研究和实践脱离”(组织和管理者未能将实践建立在最好的证据之上)情况的几种方法。
27、exemplar higher vocational institute ─── 示范高职
28、It's also important, as I said in my remarks, that, you know, that the United States live up to our own ideals, something that sets us apart as an exemplar of human rights. ─── 同样重要的是,正如我在前面的讲话中谈到的,美国实现自己的理念,使我们与众不同,成为人权典范。
29、So many contemporary scholars of literary history make a mistake of anachronism: to interpret the article with that theory in his later years, and conclude that it is an exemplar of the theory. ─── 一、三合一姚鼐在晚年曾力倡义理、考据、辞章三者合一之论。他说:“余尝论学问之事有三端焉,日义理也,考证也,文章也。是三者,苟善用之,则皆足以相济;
30、A Precipitation Forecast Method and Rainfall Standard of Debris Flow and Landslips Happening--Exemplar as Sichuan Basin ─── 泥石流滑坡发生的降水预报方法与雨量标准--以四川省盆地区域为例
31、the effect of exemplar activation ─── 样例激活效应
32、He is indeed the perfect exemplar of all nobleness(Jane Porter.Astandardis an established criterion or recognized level of excellence regarded as being proper, fitting, or right: ─── 他的确是所有贵族学习的最好榜样(简 波特)。standard一词是指已建立起来的标准或公认的称得上是正确、恰当或合适的标准:
33、The Effects of Exemplar Quantity on Implicit Sequence Learning ─── 样例数量对内隐序列学习的影响
34、This learning is a prerequisite to being able to say, twenty years from now, that software development is an exemplar of quality and value. ─── 只有把这种学习做为一种首要条件,我们才能说二十年后的软件开发是体现质量和价值的典范。
35、Under Mr.Blair, fusty old Britain has become an international exemplar of openness. ─── 在布莱尔先生领导下,古板陈腐的英国已经成为国际上对外开放的榜样。
36、A leading card; exemplar; lead; model; typeOne that is typical or representative; an example. ─── 典型典型的或有代表性的人;榜样。
37、As all copyright law, there are three limitation on TM protection that are fair use, new exemplar list and authority that can pass new limitation. ─── 当然,技术措施保护也存在三种限制,即合理使用,新的例外清单以及通过授权为新的例外产生可能。
38、Working exemplar ─── 劳动模范
39、The exemplar models arrive on a disk or as a download. ─── 范例模型从硬盘上获得,或者下载而来。
40、A High Accuracy Approach for Prediction of Pronunciation for Out-of-Vocabulary English Words Based on Exemplar Learning ─── 一种基于实例学习的高精度英文未登录词发音的自动预测方法
41、Harvesting of features stops at the enterprise stream; features are never propagated up to the exemplar stream. ─── 在企业流程的结尾获取特性;特性从来都不会传播到范例流程中。
42、Individuals with special spiritual experiences without the Biblical groundings and support should not be taken as normative and/or exemplar. ─── 个别信徒的特殊属灵经验,若缺乏圣经真理的支持,不应作为其他信徒的楷模。
43、The other exemplar that led to quantum mechanics was the study of electromagnetic waves such as light. ─── 导致量子力学的其它范例就是诸如光的电磁波研究。
44、Dann wird Ihnen postwendend ein Exemplar zugesandt. ─── 然后会经邮局寄给您一份样本。
45、Milt's career is an exemplar of survival in difficult times. ─── 米尔特的生涯可谓逆境生存的典范。
46、Using evidence-based medicine as an exemplar, the author identifies ways of closing the prevailing "research-practice gap" the failure of organizations and managers to base practices on best available evidence. ─── 以基于实证的医学为例,作者提出了终止目前普遍存在的“研究和实践脱离”(即组织和管理者未能将实践建立在最好的证据之上)的情况的几种方法。
47、Roosevelt, scarcely an exemplar of humility, nonetheless saved the possibility of governmental humility from the forces utopian and dystopian arrogance. ─── 罗斯威特,从来不是谦恭的代表,尽管从武装乌托邦和反乌托邦的自大中拯救了政府的谦恭。
48、compared with positive exemplar traits information, negative exemplar traits information processing was not likely to be interfered with. ─── 与积极样例特质相比,消极他相关样例特质的信息加工更不易受到干扰。
49、The leading exemplar was probably Park Chung-hee, president of South Korea from 1961 until 1979. ─── 他们中的佼佼者,恐怕就要数1961到1979年间在位的韩国前总统朴正熙了。
50、Mr Krugman has always been an exemplar of clear economic thinking and a champion of data over anecdote. ─── 克鲁格曼一直是清晰经济思考的典范,同时也是“用数据而非迹象说话”的捍卫者。
52、The result of the cognitive experiments include:(1) identifying the" typicality effect" in style category membership, and the" prototype" which is the best exemplar of its category, of Chinese chairs and of Western chair. ─── 根据研究结果,()明受试者对不同类别的中、坐椅在认知上确实有不同程度的风格典范性与认知原型的现象。
53、optimum exemplar block ─── 最佳样本块
54、new enterprise models with exemplar models. ─── 带有范例模型的新企业。
55、It serves as an exemplar for the internalization and naturalization of cultural exchanges between nations. ─── 唐代中日音乐交流为民族文化交流提供了国际化和本土化的范本。
56、Interferogram region spreading technology based on exemplar matching ─── 基于样本匹配的干涉图延拓技术研究
57、Subject serves as a best exemplar, but argument does not.The relationship between argument and subject is just like that of intransitive verb and verb. ─── 话题是非典型成员,其与主语的关系如同不及物动词和动词的关系。
58、Serial Experimental Study on the Effects of Exemplar Activation in Social Judgment ─── 社会判断中样例激活效应的实验研究
59、Eyeball exemplar ─── 眼球标本
60、Benin has fewer than 8m people.It is one of the poorest countries on earth.And yet, in Africa, it is also a democratic exemplar. ─── 贝宁的人口不到800万,是世界上最贫穷的国家之一,但也是非洲民主的典范。
61、The exemplar nurse Mary is efficient while patient, strict while loving, and is quite welcome in children. ─── 模范护士玛丽工作讲效率又有耐心,严格却富有爱心,深受小孩的喜爱。
62、and c)There was significant practice effect in the exemplar format condition. ─── 在样例信息逐个呈现条件下出现了明显的练习效应。
63、Smith, E. E., and D. L. Medin. "The Exemplar View." In Categories and Concepts. Harvard. 1981. ─── 史密斯与马丁,〈范例观点〉,于《分类与概念》,哈佛,1981年。
64、Investigation and analysis of gynecological diseases situation of exemplar workwomen in Tianjin city ─── 天津市部分女劳模妇科疾病情况调查
65、Under Mr Blair, fusty old Britain has become an international exemplar of openness. ─── 在布莱尔的领导下,曾经老迈保守的大不列颠摇身一变成了国际间开放的榜样。
66、The fourth part regards the Assize of Novel Deseisin as an exemplar, makes brief illumination for development and accomplishment of early royal writs or actions of form. ─── 第四章以新近被夺占有诉讼这一诉讼形式为标本,对于早期王室令状制度以及由此所引发的诉讼形式的发展与完善作了一个简要的说明。
67、Throughout the book there are clear explanations, and exemplar sentences where they are needed. ─── 在书中有清楚的解释和他们是需要的模范句子。
68、Third, the flow of resources through financial institutions is an irresistible source of government patronage.An important exemplar was the effort to promote home ownership among the insolvent. ─── 第三,通过金融机构流转资源,是政府施惠的一个极具诱惑力的源泉,其重要例子之一,就是面向无偿债能力者推动购房。
69、They viewed their new building as an exemplar of taste. ─── 他们将自己的新建筑视为一个品味的典范。
70、It would be a catastrophic geostrategic failure if Europe and the West were to turn away Turkey, the exemplar of Muslim democracy, because of a small, bolshy Mediterranean island. ─── 如果欧洲和西方各国为了一个不合作的地中海小小岛国而拒绝土耳其这样一个穆斯林民主国家的榜样加入欧盟,那将是一个灾难性的地缘政治的败笔。
71、It is the centrepiece of Europe's largest regeneration programme and will have a positive economic and social impact on the area while also demonstrating exemplar sustainability. ─── 这是欧洲最大的再生方案的中心标志物和可持续的典范,将为这个区域经济与设计带来积极的影响。
72、exemplar effects ─── 样例效应
73、Keywords Image inpainting;Isophote-driven;Priority;The best exemplar patch;confidence value; ─── 图像修补;同色线驱动;优先权;最佳样本块;自信度;
74、The Net Design and Implement of Digital Wood Exemplar Museum ─── 数字化木材标本馆的网络设计与实现
75、The word "standard" here means the prototype, the exemplar, or the representative type. ─── “标准”在这里的含义是原型、范例或者具有代表性的特征。
76、The purpose of this study was to contrast predictions from the schema abstraction model with those from the specific exemplar model of motor skill memory representation. ─── 摘要本研究主要的目的是在比较基模抽象模式与特殊范本模式在新动作迁移及动作保留上的预测效果。
77、And the negative exemplar shows stronger effect on the positive target than on the negative one. ─── 而反面样例对高效价靶子的效应更强。
78、Interferogram Spreading Method Based on Exemplar Matching[J]. ─── 引用该论文 黄菁,朱日宏,陈磊.
79、ABSTRACT: In Nanjing, wastewater treatment and collection system is being built, and it is an important department for Nanjing to become the nation environment protection exemplar city. ─── 摘要:作为南京市争创国家环保模范城重要内容的污水处理厂及其收集系统的建设正在全面展开。
80、instruction of exemplar ─── 先进性教育
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