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power consumption中文翻译,power consumption是什么意思,power consumption发音、用法及例句

01-29 投稿

power consumption中文翻译,power consumption是什么意思,power consumption发音、用法及例句

power consumption

power consumption发音

英:  美:

power consumption中文意思翻译



power consumption双语使用场景

1、Control For this application, the power consumption of the system is very little and do not require high power amplifying efficiency.───控制关于这一个申请,系统的耗电量十分小而且不需求扩展效率的高的力气。

2、The system can effectively reduce the power consumption of an air-conditioner in summer by the double-effect cooling technology.───本系统通过双效降温的技术,可有效降低夏季空调的耗电量。

3、Every home cuts power consumption by 50%, mostly by using low-power appliances and solar panels.───每户家庭都减少了50%的用电量,主要是通过使用低能耗电器和太阳能电池板来减少耗电。

4、the equipment must be compact in size and low in power consumption , and able to adapt to various power supply conditions.───设备体积必须小型化。电源消耗尽可能低,能适应多种供电条件。

5、Take electric power consumption as an example.───以电力消耗为例。

6、Its low power consumption and high fan-out make it a desirable choice when designing a circuit.───它的低电耗和高的输出接口数量使其日益成为设计电路时的理想选择。

7、Siemens PLC with its high speed, low power consumption, good stability and easy to understand programming occupies most of the PLC market.───西门子公司的PLC以其高速度、低能耗、稳定性好和编程简单易懂占有了大部分PLC市场。

8、As the full set of equipment used in a very small mechanical power consumption and operation and maintenance easy.───由于整套设备所用机械消耗动力极小,并且操作、维修方便。

9、The solid lines show the power consumption.───实线显示电能消耗。

power consumption相似词语短语

1、total consumption───总消耗量

2、fertilizer consumption───肥料消费量

3、autonomous consumption───自发性消费;自发消费

4、consumption rate───[经]消费率;消耗率;单位消耗量;消耗率; 耗电率

5、consumption definition───消费定义

6、excessive consumption───n.超前消费;过度消耗;超前消费

7、consumption smoothing───平滑消费(指在经济的周期变化和收入的波动中维持稳定的消费水平)

8、consumption define───消费定义


结语:求大神翻译成英语!口语化些谢了!照明所消耗的电力占了全世界,And this paper designes test of the node power consumption, node lifetime, effective single-hop transmission range and reliability performance for wireless sen 2、为不同的节点分布情况提出搜索近似最优的传输距离序列的三种算法。

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