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02-03 投稿




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1、"What was it Cao Cao came out to discuss with you today ? " Ma Chao questioned.───超忙来问韩遂曰:“今日曹操阵前所言何事?”

2、Opinions in the literature, Cao Pi and Cao Zhi on the surface seems to be different.───在文学的意见上,曹丕和曹植表面上似乎是不同的。

3、Currently, there are few high-tech solutions being used in China to find problems or to analyze and draw correlations between them, Dr.───Cao博士说,当前中国很少采用高科技解决方案来发现问题,或者是分析问题、寻找关联。

4、My Lord, Mister Zhu-ge has come before you with a plan for fighting Cao Cao. It would not hurt to hear him out.───主公,诸葛先生早已胸怀破曹之策,不妨先听一听他的意见。

5、's evaluation of Cao Cao mainly comes from the Romance of the Three Kingdoms by Ming Guan novelist Luo Guanzhong.───对曹操的评价主要源于明代小说家罗贯中所著的《三国演义》。

6、Through a textual research on the extant edition of Qin Cao, this paper holds that the book actually came out in the Eastern Jin Dynasty.───然而,通过对今本《琴操》作者问题的考证,可知此书实出于晋代。

7、Baidu is also developing driverless cars, which can analyze traffic flow and control their *maneuvers automatically, Cao Haitao of Baidu's artificial intelligence unit told Xinhua.───百度人工智能部的曹海涛(音译)在接受新华社采访时称,百度也正在开发能够分析交通流量、自动控制驱动的无人驾驶车。

8、He said he expected to welcome Cao Gangchuan, his Chinese counterpart, to Tokyo this year.───他表示,欢迎中国国防部长曹刚川今年访问东京。

9、The International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Association (MIGA) established the Compliance Advisor/Ombudsman Office (CAO) in 2000.───国际金融公司(IFC)和多边投资担保机构(MIGA)成立了合规顾问/投诉办公室(CAO)。


1、cao jia───曹家

2、crankshaft bearing cao───曲轴轴承cao

结语:cao的化学名称是什么,有毒吗,[最佳回答] CaO化学名称是氧化钙,也就是我们俗称得生石灰,无毒。CAO,CAO可以指:首席行政官(Chief Administrative Officer,CAO),也称行政总监,是各大企业事业单位的重要管理职位,其职位的重要性相当于副总经理。cao是什么化学单词,[最佳回答] cao是氧化钙的化学名称,它的俗称是生石灰。cao,cao 的汉字共 27 个,点击汉字可查看拼音、部首、笔顺及解释等。

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