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mass communication中文翻译,mass communication是什么意思,mass communication发音、用法及例句

01-18 投稿

mass communication中文翻译,mass communication是什么意思,mass communication发音、用法及例句

mass communication

mass communication发音

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mass communication中文意思翻译



mass communication双语使用场景

1、As one of we-media, blog in the mass communication context is the information game between the personal discourse and public discourse.───作为一种自媒介,大众传播语境中的博客是私人话语与公共话语的信息博弃。

2、S.Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Casey H.───海军图片由大众传媒二级专家凯西H.

3、Indeed, local politicians appear to be just coming around to e-mail as a means of mass communication.───地方的政客仅是把电邮作为大众传播工具。

4、Face-to-face contact is by no means the only form of communication and during the last two hundred years the art of mass communication has become one of the dominating factors of contemporary society.───面对面的交流绝不是沟通的唯一形式,在过去的两百年里,大众传播艺术已经成为当代社会的主导因素之一。

5、S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Casey H.───美国海军图片由大众传媒二级专家凯西H.

6、From newspapers to radio, from television to the network, the emergence of new media is always landmark in mass communication field.───从报纸到广播,从电视到网络,每一种新媒体的兴起都是大众传播领域的一次飞跃。

7、E-mail will still exist as a way of talking to one person at a time, but as a means of mass communication it will be finished.───电子邮件仍将存在,作为在某一时间与某人交流的一种方式,但它作为大众传播工具的时代将终结。

8、We can see that television is still the primary means of communication, mass communication should not be overlooked.───我们可以看出,电视仍是传播的主要途径,大众传播也不容忽视。

9、In mass communication, the important thing is not how things are but how they seem to be.───在大规模信息交流中,重要的不是事情本质是如何的,重要的是事情表面上看上去怎么样。

mass communication相似词语短语

1、communication gap───沟通落差;通讯隔阂


3、communication biology───传播生物学


5、science communication───科学传播

6、communication interface───[通信][计]通信接口

7、gestural communication───手势交流

8、visual communication───视觉通讯;可视通信

9、communication barriers───交流障碍


美国媒介批评家、著名传播学者赫伯特·席勒(Herbert Schiller)在1969年出版的《大众传播与美利坚帝国》(MAss Communications and American Empire)中提出了“文化帝国主义”的概念。

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