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long term中文翻译,long term是什么意思,long term发音、用法及例句

02-08 投稿

long term中文翻译,long term是什么意思,long term发音、用法及例句

long term

long term发音

英:  美:

long term中文意思翻译



long term双语使用场景

1、Such a fall would bring prices back in line with the long-term trend.───这种跌幅将会使价格回落到与长期趋势相符。

2、You see, as long as you associate pain with eating healthy foods, you will never be able to do it for the long-term.───你看,只要你想到健康食品时很痛苦,你就肯定不能长期坚持,也许你可以用的意志力坚持一段时间,但是最终强大的痛苦会战胜快乐。

3、For its part, BHP Billiton sees Potash Corp as one of the few takeover targets that would make a difference to its long-term growth.───在必和必拓集团眼中,Potash公司是为数不多的几个能够对他们的长期增长产生影响的收购对象之一。

4、chronic atrophic gastritis is clinically common diseases, illness secretive, long-term repeated attacks easy to cause cancer.───慢性萎缩性胃炎是临床上常见病,病情潜匿,长期反复发作容易导致癌变。

5、For international managers it looked as if China's mutual fund market was beginning to deliver on its long-term promise.───在国际基金公司看来,中国的共同基金市场似乎已开始履行其长期承诺。

6、Luckily he had insured himself against long-term illness.───幸运的是,他为自己投保了长期病险。

7、Businesses will have to aim at long-term growth.───企业必须以长期增长为目标。

8、Long-term prospects for the economy have improved.───长期的经济前景已有所改善。

9、We must strive to see beyond the immediate problem, condition or event, and perceive the long-term challenges and opportunities.───我们不仅要关注眼前的问题、条件或事件,更要有长远的眼光,洞察明天的挑战及机遇。

long term相似词语短语

1、last long long───持续很久很久很久

2、dinosauria term───恐龙术语

3、new term───新名词



6、in the long term───从长远来看;从长远观点来看

7、c long long───c长隆

8、long long───长-长

9、governors term───州长任期

in the long term和in the long run的区别



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