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that it is中文翻译,that it is是什么意思,that it is发音、用法及例句

03-12 投稿

that it is中文翻译,that it is是什么意思,that it is发音、用法及例句

that it is

that it is发音

英:  美:

that it is中文意思翻译



that it is双语使用场景

1、Surprisingly, it is not 'love one another' or 'love God' or anything like that. It is simple 'do not be afraid. '───意外的是,不是“爱别人”或者“爱上帝”,或者类似的内容,而是简单的“别害怕”。

2、Objectiveit is believed for a long term that it is "all or none" for whether myocardial ischemia can cause myocardial necrosis.───目的长期以来,心肌缺血是否引起心肌坏死被认为是“全或无”的关系。

3、Remember that it is not the mere study of the Law, but to become eminent in the profession of it, which is to yield honor and profit.───记住不只是学习法律而已,而是要在从事法律这种职业上出类拔萃,才能获得荣誉和福利。

4、The disadvantage is that it is not universally available.───之处是它并非到处都能找到。

5、It is an operation that must be carried out in such a way that it is beyond doubt that we are benevolent and of the Light.───它是一个必须的操作,以这样一个毋庸置疑的方式表明我们是和平仁爱的光。

6、I try to convince myself that's all that it is, and if she really concentrated, she would not repeat herself so much.───我试着说服自己,就是这点问题,如果她真能集中精力,就不会这么一遍遍地唠叨了。

7、The problem with thread leakage in server applications is that it is not always easy to detect from the outside.───服务器应用程序中的线程泄漏问题在于不是总是容易从外部检测它。

8、Her work is open to the criticism that it is ethnocentric.───她的作品可能会被指责带有种族中心主义。

9、One of the hotel's plus points is that it is very central.───那个旅馆的优势之一是它处于市中心。

that it is相似词语短语

1、it is obvious that───显然…

2、it is that───是这样,就是嘛

3、it is believed that───有人认为…

4、is that it───就是这样

5、so it is that───就是这样

6、that is it───就这样

7、it is apparent that───很明显

8、it is noted that───人们注意到…;有人指出;据记载。。。, (人们)注意到。。。

9、it is certain that───毫无疑问。。。, 肯定。。。;毫无疑问……;肯定……

that is和it is的区别?

it is和 that is的区别?that is那是什么东西的意思,it is它是什么的意思。


That is my house.那是我的家。指示的距离比this这里稍远点。

It is my house.它是我的家,这距离可远可近,二者属性一样皆代词。

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