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And you中文翻译,And you是什么意思,And you发音、用法及例句

03-29 投稿

And you中文翻译,And you是什么意思,And you发音、用法及例句

And you

And you发音

英:  美:

And you中文意思翻译



And you双语使用场景

1、If the search direction is down and you reach the bottom of the view, Find Next continues looking from the top of the view.───如果搜索方向是向下的,并且已到达视图的底部,则单击“查找下一个”将继续从视图的顶部进行查找。

2、I want to go and you can't stop me.───我要走,你拦不住我。

3、But when they don't have the ball and you move the ball quickly and play behind the defenders you know you can beat them.───当他们没有控球权的时候,只要你传球迅速,并且寻找后卫身后的漏洞,你就可以发现你可以击败他们。

4、If you're trying to cut $10, 000 out of a budget and you come up with an idea that saves $100, the impact is relatively low.───如果你是想节省预算一万元,而这个方案只能省100元,那它的影响就相对很低。

5、I'll wash and you can dry up.───我洗盘子,你可以擦干。

6、I'll drive, and you can navigate.───我开车,你引路。

7、Some friends have remarked on the changes in me and the way i look these days. It's one of those things that you know and you don't.───一些朋友已经开始讨论我的改变和我最近的外表。一些你知道的,一些是你不知道的。

8、And a lot of it is sort of like recovering from an illness; you get a little bit stronger each day and you take a few more steps each day.───这很像从疾病中康复过来,你每天都会感觉强壮一点,每天都有一些新进展。

9、I think Berlin is one of the greenest cities in the world, and that's one place. . . and you know, personally for me. . .───我认为柏林是世界上最绿色的城市,是一个…你知道,对我来说非常具有个人意义的地方…

And you相似词语短语

1、and co.───和co。

2、mark you───注意;听着

3、and how!───正确;(美)非常

4、hand out───分发;施舍;把…拿出来

5、hand job───手淫

6、and co───和co

7、thank you───谢谢你

8、hand log───手提计程仪

9、mind you───注意;留心

and you完整句?

1、英文中,and you的中文意思是:你呢。

这句话是一种顺接的口语,比如别人问了你叫什么名字(what's your name),你喜欢什么运动(what's your favourite sport),你多大了(how old are you)。你回答之后说一句and you,意思是反问对方刚才对方问你的问题。

2、and you是来自芬兰的年轻时尚鞋服品牌,其商品包含:情侣商品(ALL FOR LOVE 系列)和非情侣商品(LOVE AND MORE系列)。

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