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the man中文翻译,the man是什么意思,the man发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

the man中文翻译,the man是什么意思,the man发音、用法及例句

the man

the man发音

英:  美:

the man中文意思翻译



the man双语使用场景

1、The man was known to the police because of previous convictions.───因为有犯罪前科,警察们都认识这个人。

2、The man who tried to have her killed is still at large.───那个企图雇凶杀她的男子仍然在逃。

3、Now let me see, who's the man we want?───现在让我看一看,谁是我们要找的人?

4、The man did one helluva job getting it all together.───这家伙把事情全都料理妥当了,真是干得不错。

5、She did not notice the man until he moved into her path.───直到那个男人拦住她的去路,她才注意到他。

6、Neighbouring shopkeepers ran after the man and caught him.───附近的店主在那个男人后面追赶并把他抓住了。

7、He shouldered the man aside.───他一膀子把那男人撞到了一旁。

8、The man was brutish and coarse.───这个人野蛮而粗俗。

9、The man is armed and dangerous.───这个男子有枪,是个危险分子。

10、You're not half the man you think you are.───你根本不是你自己想象的那种人。

11、There was no doubting the animal magnetism of the man.───毫无疑问,这个男人身上透着一种野性魅力。

12、He then held the man in an armlock until police arrived.───然后他反扭住那名男子的手臂让他动弹不得,直到警察赶到。

13、I stared at the man, couldn't tear my eyes away.───我盯着那个人看,视线无法移开。

14、There was no doubt in his mind that the man was serious.───在他看来,这个人无疑是认真的。

15、The man with the umbrella turned the corner again.───拿伞的人又拐进了拐角处。

16、The man took her suitcase from her and then searched her.───那名男子拿过她手中的提箱,然后对她搜身。

17、The man was standing in his doorway watching him.───那个男人站在门口盯着他看。

18、The man let his eyes settle upon Cross's face.───那名男子的目光落在了克罗斯的脸上。

the man相似词语短语

1、other man───另一个人

2、the Klan───三K党

3、the Manx───曼克斯

4、the mains───干管

5、the many───多数人;群众

6、the Man───大哥,厉害的人

7、the Rand───兰特

8、the Ghan───n.汗号列车

9、the Swan───天鹅


在句子中,"theman" 可能是一个名词短语,作为主语、宾语、定语等成分。具体成分取决于句子的结构和语法。例如:

1. 主语:The man is walking down the street.(这个男人正在街上走。)

2. 宾语:I saw the man yesterday.(我昨天看到了这个男人。)

3. 定语:The man's hat is black.(这个男人的帽子是黑色的。)

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