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cherry blossoms中文翻译,cherry blossoms是什么意思,cherry blossoms发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

cherry blossoms中文翻译,cherry blossoms是什么意思,cherry blossoms发音、用法及例句

1、cherry blossoms

cherry blossoms发音

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cherry blossoms中文意思翻译



[**]樱花盛开; 当樱花盛开

cherry blossoms双语使用场景

1、The valley is carpeted with cherry blossoms.───山谷一片樱花.

2、Yoshino cherry blossoms first bloom pink, then fade to a soft white.───吉野樱花盛开首先是粉红色, 然后变成柔和白色.

3、The wind nipped the cherry blossoms.───风摧毁了樱花.

4、In the season of cherry blossoms, hope is all they have.───在这个樱花盛开的季节,他们所拥有的只有希望而已。

5、Cherry blossoms in bloom on the Tidal basin near the Jefferson Memorial in Washington.───快看!盛开的樱花绽放在华盛顿杰佛逊纪念堂附近的潮汐湖畔!

6、Visitors get a water view of the Cherry Blossoms surrounding the Tidal Basin in Washington.───哇~美丽“水花呼应”景!游客乘船欣赏盛开在华盛顿潮汐湖畔四周的樱花.

7、B : It looks best in spring, when the plum and cherry blossoms are out.───春天看起来最美.那时梨花、花都开了.

8、It looks best in spring, when the plum and cherry blossoms are out.───春天看起来最好, 那时李花、樱花都开了.

9、The fresh, cherry blossoms, a string, and like a fresh, elegant ink.───沁人心脾的樱花, 一串串的, 犹如一幅清新, 淡雅的水墨画.

10、The cherry blossoms burst forth in all their beauty.───美丽的樱花突然开放了.

11、The most treasured flowers in Japan, cherry blossoms are truly wonderful to look at.───樱花是日本最为珍贵的花,看上去也极为美丽。

12、Landmarks Every spring, cherry blossoms transform much of the city into a blanket of pink.───每年的春天, 樱花开放使城市变成一片粉红色的花地毯.

13、Spring has come. Cherry blossoms are blooming and the days are getting longer.───春天来了, 樱花正在盛开,白昼变长.

14、They all went to enjoy the cherry blossoms.───他们都去观赏樱花了.

15、Did you go anywhere to see the cherry blossoms?───您去看樱花了 吗 ?

16、There'll be apple blossoms an' cherry blossoms overhead," Dickon said, working away with all his might.───我们的头顶上会开出苹果花和樱花。”狄肯边努力干活边说。

17、The cherry blossoms will bIoom and l must see that before we leave.───樱花就会开放在我离开之前要看到樱花开放.

cherry blossoms相似词语短语


2、may blossoms───n.山楂花

3、cherry bombs───樱桃爆竹(球形红色鞭炮)

4、apple blossoms───苹果花

5、cherry plums───樱桃李

6、peach blossoms───桃花

7、cherry blossom───樱花

8、cherry brandies───n.樱桃白兰地

9、cherry bomb───樱桃爆竹(球形红色鞭炮)


spring blossom春花;春日花想;春天花图片;五月雪桐花季双语例句1. It's lovely in the spring when the cherry blossom is out. 春天樱花开放,十分美丽.2. No autumn fruit without spring blossom. 倘无春华,何来秋实.3. With so much spring in the garden , how can it be contained ? A spray of red apricot blossom has already reached over the wall. 满园春色关不住, 一枝红杏出墙来.

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