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ruling out中文翻译,ruling out是什么意思,ruling out发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

ruling out中文翻译,ruling out是什么意思,ruling out发音、用法及例句

1、ruling out

ruling out发音

英:  美:

ruling out中文意思翻译



ruling out双语使用场景

1、There are still a number of other possible errors and uncertainties that they are working on ruling out.───仍然有很多的其他的可能存在的错误和不确定性需要排除。

2、A positive diagnosis can be made only after ruling out gastric and duodenal ulcer.───只有排除了胃溃疡和十二指肠溃疡的可能性之后,才能作出明确诊断.

3、Therefore, this argument is unwarranted without ruling out such possibility.───因此,在不排除这种可能性的情况下, 这种论证是站不住脚的.

4、The professor suggested ruling out a few points on my termpaper.───那位教授建议从我的学期论文中删去几点.

5、We are not ruling out more arrests.───我们不排除会有更多人被捕。

ruling out相似词语短语

1、running out───惯性运动;跑号;惰转;流出

2、pulling out───起出

3、baling out───v.用降落伞降落

4、rushing out───冲出;突然出现;匆匆赶制

5、rubbing out───擦掉,擦去

6、bulking out───(数据的)输出;使扩大;突出

7、rolling out───延伸;涨开

2、be incompatible with的中文意思?


1、Work order systems used by one department might be incompatible with those used by another. 一个部门所使用的作业命令系统可能与其他部门所使用的系统不兼容。

2、But I think that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except inrare and heroic cases, be incompatible with happiness. 不过,我觉得无论你选择什么样的生活准则,除了那些罕见的和英雄人物的例子外,都应该是和幸福相容的。

3、It is not inconceivable that the inflation genie is already out of the bottle and willhave to be put back with a more assertive credit tightening that may be incompatiblewith a tightly controlled exchange rate. 不难想象,通胀的妖怪已经从瓶子中放了出来,要想让它回去,就必须采取更加坚决的信贷紧缩政策,而这可能与受到严格控制的汇率形成冲突。

4、If you must make a change that would be incompatible with a released version, forwhatever reason, then there is a back door of temporarily disabling this constraint.如果您必须做出一个变更,使它与发布版本不相兼容,不管是什么原因,那么就会有一个临时后门丧失这个约束的能力。

5、Finally, there is a chance that the form factor of the disks will be incompatible withthe new hardware, completely ruling out this option altogether. 最后一点是,磁盘的尺寸可能与新硬件不匹配,因此完全排除了这一选项。

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