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hand-off(hand off中文翻译,hand off是什么意思,hand off发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

hand-off(hand off中文翻译,hand off是什么意思,hand off发音、用法及例句)

hand off

hand off发音

英:  美:

hand off中文意思翻译



hand off双语使用场景

1、He hand off the cardboard.───他把手从纸板上离开.

2、We try to use open source tools as much as possible because of hand off to the clients.───我们试图尽可能的使用开源工具,因为要移交给客户。

3、She couldn't hand off him.───他止不住毛手毛脚.

4、I don't know. I just took hand off the fiber optics.───不知, 我只把手从光导纤维上拿走.

5、Then she touched my forehead, "You got no fever." I moved her hand off my head.───然后她摸了摸我的额头,“你没病吧”。

6、Don't take hand off the jar!───不要把手从瓶子上拿开!

7、Mr. Harding slipped his topmost hand off the other.───哈定先生把上面的一只手从另一只手上移下来.

8、How dare you? Take your hand off me at once.───放肆! 马上把你的手挪开.

9、He couldn't bear to hand off power to his successor.───他舍不得把权力移交给他的接班人.

10、Take your hand off my shoulder.───把你的手从我肩上拿开.

11、a thief hanging on the gallows out there, and I'll cut his hand off; which hand was it?───我想办法帮你渡过难关。外面绞刑架上吊着一个小偷。我去把他的手切下来。哪只手呢? “ ”?

12、Next, Brian will take his hand off the cardboard, says Jenny.───“接下来, 布赖恩会从纸板上把手拿开, ”珍妮说.

13、Hand off first, don't push long passes.───先在后场倒一倒脚, 别忙着大脚传球.

hand off相似词语短语

1、hand offs───不可触摩;切换,转换



4、handed off───不可触摩;切换,转换

5、hang off───挂断电话;踌躇不前;放开,拉开;拉开放

6、hands off───不干涉的;请勿动手;别动

7、hands off!───不干涉的;请勿动手;别动


hand off是用手推开某人的意思。

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