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blood glucose中文翻译,blood glucose是什么意思,blood glucose发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

blood glucose中文翻译,blood glucose是什么意思,blood glucose发音、用法及例句

blood glucose

blood glucose发音

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blood glucose中文意思翻译



blood glucose双语使用场景

1、Diabetes is a disease in which blood glucose levels are above normal.───糖尿病是血糖高于正常值的一种疾病.

2、Blood checks will help you keep your blood glucose on target.───血糖监测可以帮助你保持你的血糖在目标范围之内.

3、Since then, my average blood glucose levels have come.───从那时起, 我的平均血糖降低了.

4、levels of blood glucose depend in part on what you eat and when you eat.───血糖水平在一定程度上依赖于你吃什么及什么时候吃。

5、His blood glucose isn't reacting to the insulin the way a diabetic should.───他的血糖并不像一个糖尿病患者那样对胰岛素做出反应。

6、Is hypoglycemia ( low blood glucose ) more dangerous in seniors?───问:对年长的糖尿病患者是不是低血糖更加危险?

7、Different area has different target goal of blood glucose control, so why?───不同的地区对于血糖的控制有着不同的目标, 为什么 呢 ?

8、TheraSense developed and marketed a leading-edge blood glucose monitor.───TheraSense公司开发并推出一种领先的血糖检测仪。

9、The reaction of blood glucose to adrenalin ( iv ) was still existed.───对静脉注入肾上腺素均有升高血糖和动脉血压的反应.

10、Why should I work so hard to improve my blood glucose level?───问:为什么我需要如此努力来监测血糖?

11、Why do I develop low blood glucose after a fancy restaurant meal?───问:为什么我会在饭店大餐之后出现低血糖 啊 ?

12、The people also wore monitors that recorded blood glucose every 5 minutes.───参与者同时也配戴记录血糖的监测器,每5分钟记录一次.

13、Hormones serve as the important regulators of blood glucose concentration.───激素在调节血糖浓度中起着重要的作用.

14、The brain and nervous system rely on blood glucose for energy.───一旦开始运动后进食就不会引起胰岛素的反应.

15、Second, the food you eat raises your blood glucose.───其次低血糖后你补充摄入的食物会升高血糖.

16、Two factors raise your blood glucose after a low blood glucose reaction.───答:在低血糖反映后有两个因素会升血糖.

17、Low blood glucose causes intense hunger.───因为低血糖会让人有很强烈的饥饿感.

18、Liver functions, Blood Glucose, Blood fatty and uric acid biochemical examination.───肝功能,血糖, 血脂肪,肾功能, 尿酸等血液生化检查.

blood glucose相似词语短语

1、blood clot───血凝块,血块

2、blood alcohol───血醇

3、blood flukes───血吸虫

4、blood lusts───杀戮欲

5、blood counts───血球计数(bloodcount的名词复数)

6、blood loss───[医]失血

7、blood lust───杀戮欲

8、blood clots───血栓;血凝块(血块)

9、blood fluke───[基医]血吸虫




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