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ramadan mubarak中文翻译,ramadan mubarak是什么意思,ramadan mubarak发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

ramadan mubarak中文翻译,ramadan mubarak是什么意思,ramadan mubarak发音、用法及例句

1、ramadan mubarak

ramadan mubarak发音

英:  美:

ramadan mubarak中文意思翻译



ramadan mubarak双语使用场景

1、Ramadan Mubarak to my Muslim brothers and sisters. May Allah help you in your difficulties Ameen.───斋月穆巴拉克,我的穆斯林兄弟姐妹。愿真主帮助你在你困难之时-。

2、good night everyone . to all my muslim brothers and sisters Ramadan mubarak, love you all.───大家晚安。我所有的穆斯林兄弟姐妹斋月穆巴拉克,爱你的所有。记住我们所有人都在为你祈祷。


Assalamu alaikum. As we mark the end of Ramadan, the most holy month of fasting and prayer for Muslims around the world, I would like to wish all Muslims a peaceful and joyous Eid al-Fitr.


I had the honor of hosting an iftar at the State Department during Ramadan, and last week, while I was in Pakistan, I had the opportunity to join an iftar at a women’s university in Islamabad.


As I have always found over many years of visiting and working with Muslim communities around the world, I left each one of these experiences with a renewed belief that our shared values are the best tools for confronting our many challenges. I am confident that those challenges are no match for the strength of the human spirit, our capacity for compassion, for our commitment to charity, all of which are emphasized and celebrated during this blessed time.


Ramadan reminds us that practicing our diverse faiths – whether yours or mine or someoneelse’s – is not just about our personal relationship with God. It also must be about ourrelationships with each other.


In times of change and uncertainty around the world, the celebration of these common valuesunites us in our humanity, and it reminds us of the value of cooperation and tolerance. Understanding, if we have the courage to summon it, is a powerful key that can unlock somany solutions.


On behalf of the State Department, I wish you and all Muslims around the world Eid Mubarak.


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