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公交车司机英语(a bus driver中文翻译,a bus driver是什么意思,a bus driver发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

公交车司机英语(a bus driver中文翻译,a bus driver是什么意思,a bus driver发音、用法及例句)

a bus driver

a bus driver发音

英:  美:

a bus driver中文意思翻译



a bus driver双语使用场景

1、I've been a bus driver and a dog sitter.───我做过公交车司机、宠物狗保姆。

2、He's a bus driver.───他是一名公共汽车司机。

3、At the suggestion of my uncle Tom I decided to try my luck as a bus driver.───根据我叔叔汤姆的建议,我决定去做公共汽车司机,碰碰运气。

4、I'm going to be a bus driver.───我要成为一名公共汽车司机。

5、Suddenly I realized Janie was more than a bus driver. That was just her job. She had a whole world of family and cares for them too.───突然我意思到珍妮不止是一个公交司机。那只是她的工作。她也有一个大家庭和关心她的家人。

6、You know i gave up the job as a bus driver and went to that little company.───你知道我放弃了巴士司机这工作,去了那间小公司上班。

7、His brother works as a bus driver in London (now).───他哥哥(现在)在伦敦当公共汽车司机。

8、Mr Young, a bus driver from Sprotbrough, South Yorkshire, says he cannot get close to his wife Sue unless she is free of all creams.───杨先生是南约克郡斯普罗特布鲁地区的巴士司机。他说,要是妻子苏使用过任何乳霜,他就不能接近她。

9、She works as a bus driver.───她当公共汽车司机。

a bus driver相似词语短语

1、dangerous driver───危险驾驶员

2、cab driver───出租车司机

3、bus driver───公交车司机

4、racing driver───赛车驾驶员

5、careless driver───粗心的司机

6、race car driver───赛车手;赛车手(书名,RaceCarDriver);赛车手(歌名,RaceCarDriver)

7、ambulance driver───救护车驾驶员

8、tanker driver───油罐车司机

9、banned driver───被禁司机

Drive开车和Drive a bus开公共汽车。为什么开车一个单词就可以


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