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packing slips中文翻译,packing slips是什么意思,packing slips发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

packing slips中文翻译,packing slips是什么意思,packing slips发音、用法及例句

packing slips

packing slips发音

英:  美:

packing slips中文意思翻译



packing slips双语使用场景

1、PACKING SLIPS must be included in all shipments and last copy must state " ORDER COMPLETED "───装箱单据必须完整,最后一张单据应注明“货物备齐 ”

2、PACKING SLIPS must be included in all shipments and last copy must state "ORDER COMPLETED" .───装箱单据必须完整,最后一张单据应注明“货物备齐”。

3、Timely inputs data in ERP system to print Receiving Reports, Packing Slips and etc.───及时将数据输入ERP系统,打印收贷报告, 装箱单等.

4、Please supply our office with more packing slips for shipping.───请多提供我们办公室装运船票。

5、sale can be closed while picking and packing slips are delivered electronically to the warehouse.───当拣货和装箱单通过电子方式发送到仓库时,出售过程可以关闭。

6、As well as otc and ipqc type, packing slips, formatting and information on the certificate of quality and 3 organizations.───以及包装箱型式、装箱单格式和合格证和3个资料性附录。

packing slips相似词语短语

1、parting strips───分型条

2、packing plants───包装厂

3、landing ships───n.陆地上供训练用的船;篷车或其他类似的车辆

4、betting slips───投注单

5、packing slip───装箱单;包装标签

6、packing cases───装运货物的箱子

7、packing boxes───装货箱,粗板箱;垫料箱

8、packet ships───邮船

9、packing in───停止

He is 和he was



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