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right before中文翻译,right before是什么意思,right before发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

right before中文翻译,right before是什么意思,right before发音、用法及例句

right before

right before发音

英:  美:

right before中文意思翻译



right before双语使用场景

1、I respect that and right before I turn to leave, she said.───就在我转身离开的那一刻她说.

2、Temporary darkness always appears right before the light.───光明的前夜,常有暂时的黑暗.

3、Right before he pulled the trigger, and ended her life.───就在他即将扣下扳机, 结束她生命的时候.

4、You don't have to close your eyes'cause it's standing right before you.───不要闭上眼睛因为一切都在你面前.

5、Maybe I had been fired at the perfect time, right before everything fell apart.───也许我被解雇得正是时候, 刚好赶在天崩地裂之前.

6、Kaguta Weizhi left a clean ring of its right, before crossing Xianqiao.───古塔峙其左,清流环其右, 前有渡仙桥.

7、I am jumpy, anxious or out on the edge right before my date picks me up.───我的男朋友来接我以前,我总是很紧张, 也很焦急,而且还坐立不安.

8、Perhaps you like to eat cheese right before bed, sleep with all the lights on, or put a pillow beneath your feet instead of your head?───或许你喜欢在临睡前吃点奶酪,睡觉的时候灯一定得都开着,或者是把枕头放在脚下面而不是头下面?

9、Cech said: We had to disguise my injury right before the qualifier against Armenia.───门神说: 在预选赛上,面对亚美尼亚之前,我必须要隐瞒自己的伤情.

10、Right before the show, I always come down with last - minute jitters.───在表演之前的最后一分钟, 我总是感到紧张不安.

11、The best moment isn't when it actually happens . It's right before.───最美妙的瞬间不是事情发生的那一刻,而是事前的期待.

12、We should at the left and the right, before we the road.───在过马路之前我们应该先看左边,再看右边.

13、He was growing right before Dwight's eyes.───他在霍华德的眼前逐渐变大.

14、She then decided right before the opening to make a dramatic announcement.───然后就在开幕式开始之前,她决定要宣布一件激动人心的事情。

15、She held her pen right before my eyes.───她就在我眼前拿着笔。

16、Once, right before an interview a recruiter came into my office.───曾经有一次, 招募人员在面谈前来我的办公室.

17、The world changing Right before your eyes.───世界总是在你的眼前不停的在变化着.

18、Look left and right before you cross the road.───左右看一看,然后再过马路。

right before相似词语短语

1、go before───居先;走在前面

2、bright future───光明的未来,光明的前途

3、light beer───淡啤酒,低度啤酒

4、right balance───权利制衡

5、light beers───淡啤酒,低度啤酒

6、right heart───右心

7、right face───向右转

8、right sort───正确排序

9、went before───居先;走在前面

That's obviously the busiest time of the day,except maybe right before they close at 5:00 p.m.

显而易见那是一天中最忙碌的时候, 除了可能在下午5点关门前会好一些。

except - 除了

maybe right - 可能会好一些.

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