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be against中文翻译,be against是什么意思,be against发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

be against中文翻译,be against是什么意思,be against发音、用法及例句

be against

be against发音

英:  美:

be against中文意思翻译


违反,无视,不顾; 反对

be against双语使用场景

1、This would be against diplomatic etiquette.───这将在外交上犯失礼的错误.

2、It would be against all my principles to deal with a tradesman who goes to chapel.───同到小教堂去的商人打交道是违背我的一切原则的.

3、But everyone can be against hepatitis B infections through vaccination.───同时那些“慢性携带者”也能够获得多种治疗.

4、Everything seemed to be against me, but I fought back to my old position of strength.───那时一切事情看起来都对我不利, 然而我努力恢复力量反击.

5、It would be against the law if you bought by mistake.───如果您碰巧买了,可能会触犯法律.

6、My next game will be against Aston Villa on Saturday.───我的下一场比赛将是周六与阿斯顿维拉的联赛.

7、The workmen just marked time to be against their boss.───工人们只是以磨洋工的办法对付他们的老板.

8、They realized the situation to be against them.───他们意识到形势对他们不利。

9、I cautioned him not to be [ against being ] late.───我警告他不要迟到.

10、In appealing the case again, you will just be against the pricks.───你再上诉, 那简直就是自讨苦吃.

11、Mr Lipsky said it would be against IMF guidelines to get involved.───利普斯基表示,介入这样的事务与IMF的指导原则不符.

12、They realised the situation to be against them.───他们意识到形势对他们不利.

13、It is designed as 4 side sliding type to be against impact.───设计四面滑动模式,有效抗击冲击.

14、Using client information to increase its trading edge-if that is what Goldman does-may not be against the law, but it is hardly honourable.───利用客户信息以增加其交易优势(如果这是高盛干的事),也许不违背法律,但这么做几乎是不知廉耻。

15、And if God is for us, who can be against us?───如果上帝是支持我们的,谁又能来反对我们呢?

16、Will be against black and yellow that they are foreign.───而黑人也会歧视黄种人,认为他们是外来的.

17、What he had to be AGAINST, still marked him as FOR Christ.───他虽然有必须反对的, 但不是为他自己,乃明示为著基督.

be against相似词语短语

1、held against───责怪;暂时填补

2、set against───反对;使对立;使平衡

3、go against───不利于;违反;反对

4、gone against───不利于;违反;反对

5、goes against───不利于;违反;反对

6、up against───面临

7、as against───与…相对照;比…

8、brief against───反对

9、over against───在…对面;正对着;与…相反;与…形成对照


be against等于词组be opposed to,be against中文意思是“反对;违背,不顾”

I don't think it's vital to label GM ingredients in food, but I also wouldn't be against it—and industry would be smart to go along with labeling, just as a way of removing fears about the technology.

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