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see as中文翻译,see as是什么意思,see as发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

see as中文翻译,see as是什么意思,see as发音、用法及例句

see as

see as发音

英:  美:

see as中文意思翻译



see as双语使用场景

1、Therefore, no imagination and take what you see as true!───所以, 不必想象,眼见为实!

2、Let's move on and I'll describe what we see as we go.───我们接着走,我会边走边描述我们所见到的东西.

3、I want to see as much of you as possible before leaving.───我想在走之前尽量多和你们见见.

4、They resent what they see as bossiness.───他们对自己眼中那些专断蛮横的行为非常厌恶。

5、I'd like to see as many places as possible.───我想尽量多看几个地方?

6、What do you see as the priorities for someone in this position?───你在招聘这个职位时优先考虑哪些条件?

7、During the spring festive, you can see as peach flowers and etc.───在春天, 你可以看见迎春花,桃花,梨花等等.

8、Anything you see as a problem can cause stress.───任何对你来说是问题的事物都会让你觉得有压力.

9、Generally, for matters under heaven, those closely involved cannot see as clearly as those outside.───大凡天下事,当局者迷,旁观者清。

10、what do you see as your weaknesses?───那么你觉得你有什么缺点吗?

11、We can see as far as the sea from here.───从这儿,我们可远看大海.

12、Canadians seek enlistment in the U.S. Marines because they don't see as much opportunity in the Canadian armed forces.───加拿大人喜欢去加入美国的海军陆战队,因为加拿大军队里机会没那么多。

13、No imagination, and take what you see as true!───不必想象, 眼见是实.

14、You see, as a result of the war, my factory's been running into difficulties "───我那片火柴厂, 近来受了战事影响, 周转不来了;—— ”

15、Well , let's go. I'd like to see as as possible.───咱们去吧. 我想尽可能多地看看.

16、And the amounts increase, you see, as he rose in rank.'───你们看, 随着他在海盗中的地位不断上升,他的份额也在不断增加. ”

17、This is a very distinguished crowd I see as I look out.───这是我看见的非常卓越的人群当我看.

see as相似词语短语





5、see to───注意;负责;照料

6、see stars───眼冒金星;头昏眼花


8、see of───见


see as与treat as区别?

see as 和treat as的区别可以从以下方面进行区分:

1. see as :把...看作,把...视为。

例句:I see him as a potential leader. 我把他视为潜在的领导者。

2. treat as: 把...当作,把...当做。

例句:We should not treat the problem as a joke. 我们不应该把这个问题当作笑话。

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