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cash cow中文翻译,cash cow是什么意思,cash cow发音、用法及例句

04-03 投稿

cash cow中文翻译,cash cow是什么意思,cash cow发音、用法及例句

cash cow

cash cow发音

英:  美:

cash cow中文意思翻译


n.摇钱树; 可使人致富的生财工具

cash cow双语使用场景

1、Also, environmental groups caution that, designed poorly, programs to pay for forest preservation could merely serve as a cash cow for the very people who are destroying them.───环保组织还警告说,如果设计的不好,支付森林保护的计划可能只会成为正在摧毁森林的某些人的摇钱树。

2、While the 11-year-old magazine had been a cash cow for the media group, it had received a smaller share of the revenues, according to current and former staffers.───据现职和以前的员工说,尽管这份杂志创办11年来一直是媒体集团的摇钱树,但它所得收益的份额却较少。

3、A product or service which a regular source of income for a company a cash cow.───华尔街上的大铜牛应该跟这个成语有一定的联系吧,寄望于股票像摇钱树一样财源滚滚.

4、Mr. A owns two restaurants; one of which a cash cow.───A先生有两家餐馆, 其中一家经常有可靠的金钱收入.

5、You'll be rich soon, because that kind of business is a real cash cow.───你就快发了, 那种生意可真是摇钱树呢.

6、But ABI Research expects mobile TV will be someday cash cow globally as well.───ABI期望,移动电视市场有朝一日能在全球产生巨大的经济效益.

7、The new movie theater that they just opened by campus is a cash cow.───学校阁下新开的那家影院真是个摇钱树.

8、His latest invention turned out to be a cash cow.───他的最新发明现在真的变成了他的摇钱树了.

9、She is the cash cow in the family.───她是他们家的摇钱树.

10、Action films are still this cinema's cash cow.───动作片仍然是这家影院的摇钱树.

11、The retail division is BT's cash cow.───零售部是英国电信公司的摇钱树。

12、This puts a cash cow at risk.───这就使得摇钱树处于风险之中了.

13、Mr. Wilson turned out to be the cash cow we needed to start out repertoire company.───结果威尔逊先生就是我们开创公司全套功能所需资金的提供者.

14、This product has always been a cash cow for our company.───这种产品一直是我们公司的摇钱树.

15、However, several factors warrant investors another look at this potential cash cow.───不过, 其他几个因素让投资者对这家颇有潜力的赚钱机器另眼相看.

16、But they say valuations look cheap and'slowly but surely Hutch is becoming a cash cow.───但他们表示,和记黄埔的估值看上去比较便宜,将会成为投资者的摇钱树,这是一个 “ 缓慢但必然的过程”.

cash cow相似词语短语

1、a cash cow───摇钱树

2、cash mob───现金暴徒

3、cash cows───现金牛;现金牛类;摇钱树

4、cash book───n.现金账簿;现金收入日记账

5、cash flows───[会计]现金流量(cashflow的复数)


7、cash crop───经济作物

8、cash flow───资金流动

9、cash crops───经济作物;现金作物;商品作物



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