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booking office中文翻译,booking office是什么意思,booking office发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

booking office中文翻译,booking office是什么意思,booking office发音、用法及例句

1、booking office

booking office发音

英:  美:

booking office中文意思翻译


n.<英>售票处; 预定票的出售

booking office双语使用场景

1、He's in charge of the booking office.───他主管预订部.

2、This is booking office.───这是售票处.

3、Exchange a word for, the booking office inside game circle is likewise main.───换句话来说, 游戏圈内的票房同样重要.

4、She bought a ticket at the booking office.───她在售票处买了一张票.

5、At the opposite Booking Office.───在对面的售票处.

6、Is this the booking office of Japan Air Line?───这里是日本航空公司订票处 吗 ?

7、He goes to the Railway Booking Office.───他去火车站售票处.

8、She came to the station and went to the booking office.───她来到车站,去了订票处.

9、While I was at the booking office buying a ticket, father saw to my luggage.───我们过了江,进了车站.我买票, 他忙着照看行李.

10、P: Hello, The Thai Airways booking office?───顾客: 您好, 是泰航预定中心 吗 ?

11、Tickets are on sale from the booking office.───售票处正在售票。

12、Please call the Airlines Booking Office three days before your departure date for reconfirmation.───请在飞机起飞3天前打电话到航空售票处再次确认.

13、I was hurrying to the booking office to see about our tickets.───我急急忙忙跑到购票处只是为了买到我们的票.

14、You have to go to the Booking Office to reconfirm your reservation.───您得到售票处去在证实您的预订票.

15、The booking office sells tickets 3 days in advance.───售票处预售3天的票.

16、If you want to know the train schedule, please inquire at the booking office.───如果你想知道的火车班次, 请询问售票处.

17、Miss Harring comes to the CAAC Booking Office.───哈林顿小姐来到中国民航售票处.

18、Generally speaking, it is not far from the booking office.───售票员:一般说来, 离售票处不远.

19、You have to get your ticket at the booking office outside this door on the right.───您必须在右边门外的订票处买票.

20、Excuse me. Where is the booking office?───外宾:请问, 售票处在哪里?

21、Edinburgh Festival Booking Office. Can I help you?───爱丁堡音乐节登记处。需要我为您帮忙吗?

22、For details of cheap excursion tickets, apply at the booking office.───关于廉价旅游票的详情, 可向售票处询问.

23、The booking office is quite far from here. I can take you there.───订票处离这里相当远,我可以送你去。

24、Would you please go to the Booking Office to reconfirm your reservation.───请您到售票处去再证实一下您的预定票.

25、Could you tell me where booking office is?───你能告诉我售票处在哪里 吗 ?

26、At one time, there were long queues of people waiting outside the CAAC booking office.───曾有一度在中国民航售票处有排长队的人们在等候售票.

27、Where is the Booking Office?───请问火车票售票处在哪里?

booking office相似词语短语

1、betting office───投注处

2、booking fee───预订费

3、betting offices───博彩办公室

4、booking off───下班考勤登记

5、sorting offices───分拣办公室

6、booking offices───售票处;图书办公室

7、boarding officer───登船官员;登轮官员

8、housing officer───实习医生;见习医生

9、sorting office───邮件分拣处

2、on sale和sale on区别?


on sale中文意思是



The fish are on sale from our own coastal waters.


sale on中文意思是销售日期

Don't sign up for those email reminders about the great new sale on at J. Crew or any other online shop.

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