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quote unquote中文翻译,quote unquote是什么意思,quote unquote发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

quote unquote中文翻译,quote unquote是什么意思,quote unquote发音、用法及例句

1、quote unquote

quote unquote发音

英:  美:

quote unquote中文意思翻译



quote unquote双语使用场景

1、henceforth, when you say, to declare a function, I am declaring a function here but down here am I quote unquote defining it or implementing it.───从此以后,当你说,声明一个函数,我在这里声明了一个函数,但是到这里我定义它或执行它。

2、And realize too, as we say on this home page here, by default, we anonomize you when you log into this bulletin board, whereby, you're all logged in as quote unquote students.───并且认识到,像我们说的这个主页,默认情况下,当你登陆这个电子公告牌, 我们禁止你们,都匿名学生登陆。

3、It was very repetitive, it was very quote-unquote tonal.───这是个重复,这就是所谓的有调。

4、No, I am not. I don't trust those quote-unquote leaders of our community.───不会。我不相信那些所谓的“社区领导者”。

5、New York Times called it quote "a stupid idea" unquote.───纽约时报把它称为,引文起“一个愚蠢的想法”引文止。

6、They certainly may not be as, quote unquote, rational.───当然,他们可能不作为,报价引文结束,理性。

7、"I wanted to do everything I could to get into the quote-unquote right school, " he recalled recently.───“就算不惜一切代价,我也要考进那种所谓‘正确的大学’,”他最近回忆道。

8、"Now that we have 'saved' Greece, quote unquote, the political imperative for Germany is gone, " said one senior EU official.───“既然我们已经‘拯救’了希腊,对德国而言,这样做的政治必要性已经消失了,”一位欧盟高级官员表示。

9、We think of a bunch of rednecks, quote, unquote, with guns.───(原话起)“我们会想到一群乡下人”(原话止)拿着枪。

quote unquote相似词语短语


2、to unquote───取消引用


4、to quote───报价

5、quarter note───四分音符

6、to requote───重覆

7、quote, unquote───引用,取消引用

8、to outquote───to outquote




a- = not, without表示"无"、"不"

a- symmetry (对称)→asymmetry不对称

a- typical (典型的)→atypical非典型的

dis- = not, deprive of表示"不"、"剥夺"、"取消"

dis- agree(一致,同意)→disagree不一致,意见不合

dis- arm(武装)→disarm解除武装

dis- approve (同意,批准)→disapprove不赞成,不准

il-, im-, in-, ir-= not表示"非"、"不"

il- literate(有读写能力的)→illiterate文盲的

im- possible(可能的)→impossible不可能的

in- valuable(有价值的)→invaluable无价的,非常珍贵的

ir- responsible(对……负责任的)→irresponsible不负责任的

ir- religious(宗教的,虔诚的)→irreligious无信仰的,不虔诚的


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