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my cards中文翻译,my cards是什么意思,my cards发音、用法及例句

01-18 投稿

my cards中文翻译,my cards是什么意思,my cards发音、用法及例句

my cards

my cards发音

英:  美:

my cards中文意思翻译



my cards双语使用场景

1、I've had enough of this game; I'll throw my cards in and go to bed.───这游戏我已经玩够了;我不玩了,我要睡觉去。

2、I've had enough of this game, I'll fling my cards in and go to bed.───这牌我已经玩够了,我不玩了,我得去睡觉了。

3、me put my CARDS on the table. I am not an economist.───我要向你们摊牌,我不是一个经济学家。

4、I'll be frank with you and put my cards on the table.───我要对你以诚相待,把我的意图公开出来。

5、I'm sick and tired of beating around the bush with them. I've decided to set my cards on the table.───我已经厌烦跟他们拐弯抹角地跟他们谈,我下决心向他们摊牌。

6、I picked up my cards.───我捡起了我的卡片。

7、He carries my cards around with him and gives them to everyone: the dental hygienist, the mail carrier, his business contacts, and friends.───他随身带着我的名片发给见到的每个人:牙医、邮递员、生意伙伴、朋友等等。

8、I still want my cards so I'll let you know soon when I get this done.───我仍然希望我的卡,所以我让你知道当我很快得到这个工作。

9、begin by putting my CARDS on the table: in the real world, I'm unconditionally opposed to torture.───开门见山的说说吧∶我先得声明,在现实世界中,我无条件地反对拷打。

my cards相似词语短语

1、condottiere cards───吊牌

2、calypso cards───卡利普索牌

3、fleer cards───羊毛卡

4、boom cards───吊杆卡

5、graphic cards───图形卡

6、irreverent cards───不敬的卡片

7、vellum cards───牛皮卡片

8、cards offers───信用卡优惠


结语:,Life in 2060What will life be like in 2060? In my view, it will be more comfortable, more computerized and more convenient.In education, students will take all In my view, it will be more comfortable, more computerized and more convenient.In education, students will take all their classes at home,

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