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01-29 投稿




英:[ˈmɑːnti]  美:[ˈmɒnti]

英:  美:






1、Palestinian police armed with assault rifles patrolled Manger Square, but that did not bother Monty Luker of South Carolina.───手持冲锋枪的巴勒斯坦警察在马槽广场巡逻,但是,来自美国南卡罗莱纳州的陆克尔对此并不介意。

2、Browne started calling Monty his "milk brother."───布朗因此称孙子蒙特为“母乳兄弟”。

3、Sunday brought word that Netanyahu had extracted a promise from the U. S. that cast Obama as Monty Hall in Let's Make a Deal.───星期日捎回口信说内塔尼亚胡提取出新政诺言,从美国的蒙提霍尔在让投奥巴马AS的制作-。

4、So, in a second study they used a description of a Monty Python sketch which participants weren't told was supposed to be a joke.───因此,在第二个实验中,他们使用了一个描述巨蟒的素描,而参与者也没有认为这应该是一个玩笑。

5、When he was reunited with his stepfather over a year after he had gone missing, Monty's first words were "Where the hell have you been? "───当失踪一年多后,他与继父重逢时,蒙蒂的第一句话是:“你到底去了哪里?”

6、Dr Liggins (known as "Mont" after his childhood craze for Monty the Mouse) was determined to understand why such births occurred, and to prevent them.───兢丝医生(人们称他为“蒙特”,因为他小时候特别迷《蒙蒂老鼠奇遇记》)立志于揭开为什么早产会发生的原因,以及预防方法。

7、Baby Monty was just a month old when Georgia saw the documentary and decided to try it for herself.───宝宝蒙蒂才一个月大时,乔治亚看到了那个记录片并决定在自己身上试一试。

8、I do feel like I have a special bond with Georgia and Monty.───我现在确实感到和乔治亚还有蒙蒂之间有一种特别的感情。

9、Also Sir Monty, who's fun, but too cartoonish for his inevitable exposure as a hypocrite to pack much of a punch.───还有蒙蒂爵士,这个有趣的人却因为那不可避免的伪君子形象太过卡通化,以致于无法击出有影响力的重拳。


1、blancmange monty python───白雄蟒蛇坐骑

2、full monty───光猪六壮士(电影名,TheFullMonty);n.一应俱全;一样不缺

3、the full monty───满月

4、monty python───巨蟒剧团

结语:monty,monty [mon-ty] [ˈmɑnti]中文音译 蒙蒂 名字性别 男生英文名 来源语种 古英语 英语 法语 名字寓意 山 名字印象 聪明,有商业头脑,有责任感,追求更美好的生活。Monty (豆瓣),Monty Richardson is a Conservative talk-show host, a la Rush Limbaugh. His family, however, are rather liberal,

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