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it was not until that中文翻译,it was not until that是什么意思,it was not until that发音、用法及例句

02-03 投稿

it was not until that中文翻译,it was not until that是什么意思,it was not until that发音、用法及例句

it was not until that

it was not until that发音

英:  美:

it was not until that中文意思翻译



it was not until that双语使用场景

1、It was not until that ship was near sinking did the radiomen send out the new signal.───直到该船快要沉没时,报务员才发出了这个新的呼救信号S.O.S。

2、It was not until that ship was near sinking did the radiomen send out the new signal.───直到该船快要沉没时,报务员才发出了这个新的呼救信号s.o.s。

3、When I returned the following week I was then alone in the apartment and it was not until that Wednesday afternoon that I began to notice very odd occurrences when I would return from school.───第二个星期我又一个人回到了在小镇的家,从那个周三下午开始。每次放学回家后我就会发现很多奇怪的现象。

4、until late that night in bed that John noticed from a calendar hanging on the wall that it was August the Twenty-sixth.───那天晚上,约翰躺在床上,很晚才从墙上挂的日历上看到今天是8月26日。

5、It was not until that evening that a nurse thought to dip a testing strip into Sam's urine and they finally got a diagnosis.───在傍晚来临之前一个护士想到应该化验下Sam的尿液,终于他们找到了诊断。

it was not until that相似词语短语

1、how was it that───怎么回事

2、not that───并非;并不是说

3、was it───n.瓦西特(伊拉克东部的一个省)

4、that was it───那是它(was是is的过去式);就是这样(was是is的过去式);仅此而已(was是is的过去式);就是它(was是is的过去式)

5、not until───直到…才…

6、it was───那是(过去)

7、was not───非


9、that it───是吗

it was not until是什么语法?


"it was not until" 是一个英语句型,用于表示“直到……才”的意思。这个句型通常由 "it was not until" 引导一个时间状语从句,后面接一个表示时间的短语或句子。

所以it was not until是时间状语从句。

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