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它很漂亮用英语怎么说(it is beautiful中文翻译,it is beautiful是什么意思,it is beautiful发音、用法及例句)

02-08 投稿

它很漂亮用英语怎么说(it is beautiful中文翻译,it is beautiful是什么意思,it is beautiful发音、用法及例句)

it is beautiful

it is beautiful发音

英:  美:

it is beautiful中文意思翻译



it is beautiful双语使用场景

1、Mike: It seems to me I can never get tired of the sea. It is beautiful in all kinds of weather, and at all times of the day.───我好象觉得我永远不会对大海感到厌倦的,无论是出现什么天气,在一天中任何一段时间,它总是那样美丽。

2、One more time. It is beautiful.───再说一次,它很美丽。

3、" netizen " spring flower " distain to be considered to this product apparently, " Has what spirit, it is beautiful money him gally purely.───网友“春花”显然对此产品不屑一顾,“哪儿有什么鬼魂啊,纯粹是花钱吓唬自己。”

4、Film has given me waving his hands to pursue a dream of passion, maybe we have the fate of the result, but I chose to go it is beautiful.───**给了我挥动双手追求梦想的激情,也许我们都有命中注定的结果,但我选择华丽的走向它。

5、When chewing slowly savored, it is inevitable that some bitterness and sorrow and grief, but it is all for me, as it is beautiful.───慢慢的咀嚼回味时,难免有些苦涩和酸楚,但是这一切对于我来讲却是那样的美好。

6、It is beautiful to see.───它看起来很美。

7、Heidi, it is beautiful up here," he said.───海蒂,这里很漂亮。”他说。

8、Music does not have the same style and genre, but it is beautiful, Qi Wan, passionate or peaceful, are a part of the human soul.───音乐具有各不相同的风格和体裁,但无论是优美的,凄婉的,激昂的还是平和的,都是构成人类灵魂的一部分。

9、It is beautiful. The rain has stopped, but nor the wind. So let us enjoy the cool wind, which probably will not appear tomorrow.───现在雨停了,赶紧享受一下这凉爽的风吧,明日空拍就不再有了。

it is beautiful相似词语短语

1、it beautiful───很漂亮

2、it s beautiful───它很漂亮

3、it beautiful for───它很漂亮

4、he is beautiful───他很漂亮

5、is beautiful───很漂亮

6、fat is beautiful───脂肪是美丽的

7、it has beautiful───它很漂亮

8、is beautiful life───是美好的生活

9、how is beautiful───有多美


一般疑问句: 它漂亮吗? Is it beautiful? 原句翻译为:It is beautiful 它是美丽的

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