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manufacturing processes中文翻译,manufacturing processes是什么意思,manufacturing processes发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

manufacturing processes中文翻译,manufacturing processes是什么意思,manufacturing processes发音、用法及例句

1、manufacturing processes

manufacturing processes发音

英:  美:

manufacturing processes中文意思翻译



manufacturing processes双语使用场景

1、cannot be later business card printing and membership card manufacturing processes provide can be found in the hard copy.───不克不及为背后的制卡和会员卡制作工序供应可参考的软拷贝。

2、Ohno met regular resistance when he first set out to persuade the company to radically change its manufacturing processes.───在开始说服公司彻底变更制造工序的时候,大野耐一遭遇到了顽强的抵抗。

3、Rational product design, sophisticated production equipment, advanced manufacturing processes and improve the quality of the system.───合理的产品设计,精良的生产设备,先进的制造工艺,完善的质保体系。

4、Manufacturing processes studded with a multitude of sensors can be controlled more precisely, raising efficiency.───装备了大量传感器后,生产过程更可控,更加精确。

5、Manufacturing processes may be affected by the functionality of the product.───生产过程可能要受到产品设计目的的影响。

6、Originally, it referred to the ability of manufacturing processes to produce a very high proportion of output within specification.───原本它反映了能生产非常高比例所有满足规格的产品的能力。

7、To enhance efficiency, future work lends itself to turn all the business card printing and membership card manufacturing processes.───为提高效率,未来的工作流会把所有的制卡和会员卡制作工序包含进来。

8、Chemical engineers prototype chemical manufacturing processes by building pilot operations.───化学药品工程师通过试验建造化学药品制造过程的模型。

9、Japan is also pushing for new manufacturing processes that do not require rare earths.───日本也在钻研不需要稀土新的制造工艺。

manufacturing processes相似词语短语

1、manufacturing bases───n.施工依据

2、manufacturing plant───生产厂;制造工厂

3、manufacturing plants───制造工厂

4、manufacturing companies───制造企业;制造型企业

5、manufacturing company───制造企业,[经]制造公司

6、manufacturing base───制造业基地,生产基地,加工基地

7、manufacturing industries───制造(工)业(manufacturingindustry的复数)

8、manufacturing process───制造过程;制造工艺;生产过程

9、manufacturing industry───[工业]制造业,[工业]制造工业


1、(经加工可出售的)作品,产品 dairy products 奶制品

2、(经化学、自然或加工过程生产的)产品,物产,产物。waste products 废品

3、(行为,过程的)产物(指人和物) We are all products of our time我们都是这个时代的产物。



6、乘积,(代数运算的)结果。 英 [ˈprɒdʌkt]美 [ˈprɑːdʌkt] n.产品;制品;(自然、化学或工业过程的)产物,生成物;产儿;产物;结果



product同义词 merchandise

merchandise 英 [ˈmɜːtʃəndaɪs , ˈmɜːtʃəndaɪz]美 [ˈmɜːrtʃəndaɪs , ˈmɜːrtʃəndaɪz]

商品 n.商品;货品;相关商品;指定商品;v.推销;(运用广告等)销售;

Please mail us a sample of the merchandise as soon as possible.


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