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off the shelf中文翻译,off the shelf是什么意思,off the shelf发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

off the shelf中文翻译,off the shelf是什么意思,off the shelf发音、用法及例句

1、off the shelf

off the shelf发音

英:  美:

off the shelf中文意思翻译




off the shelf双语使用场景

1、IT uses an open architecture and commercial - off - the - shelf ( COTS ) parts.───该雷达使用了开放式的体系结构和商用现货 ( COTS ) 部件.

2、Beijing may bypass phases of equipment development by purchasing commercial - off - the - shelf technology.───北京可能通过购买商业性的 现成 技术,绕过装备发展的某些阶段.

3、Any of these parts can be purchased off the shelf.───这些零件都有现成货可买,不用定制.

4、Well, go in the pantry and get that ham off the shelf.───那好吧, 你到食品柜把架子上的火腿拿来.

5、The sound of glass shattering, liquid spilling off the shelf somehow helped.───打碎的玻璃声音,不知何故走开溢出架的液体帮助.

6、He took the cup off the shelf.───他把杯子从架子上拿走.

7、She accidentally knocked the tea tin off the shelf.───她不小心把架子上的茶叶罐碰了下来。

8、She can satisfy her off - the - shelf these things.───她会满足于她现有的这些东西.

9、Our china can be bought off the shelf or by commission.───我们的瓷器可现货购买,也可以委托制作。

10、The clock fell off the shelf.───时钟从架上掉下.

11、I bought this package off the shelf.───我买的这一盒是现货。

12、The cat bumped the vase off the shelf.───那猫将花瓶从架上碰落.

13、He bounces off the shelf.───球从书架弹出.

14、It's cheap , and available almost off the shelf. It's also easy to turn into wire.───它很便宜,几乎是现成的, 而且还很容易被加工成导线.

15、Scrub the dirt off the shelf.───把书架上的土擦掉.

16、Some books are falling off the shelf.───一些书从书架上掉下来.

17、She accidentally knocked the glass off the shelf.───她无意中把架子上的玻璃杯碰了下来。

18、Our china can be bought off the shelf or by commission.───我们的瓷器可以现货购买或委托定做。

off the shelf相似词语短语

1、off the cuff───即兴地

2、off the peg───现成的

3、off the rails───出轨的;混乱的,神经错乱的


5、off the shears───从剪刀上取下

6、off the chain───不受拘束的(非正式);很精彩的;很有趣的

7、off the hook───摆脱困境;脱身

8、off the beam───不对头

9、on the shelf───在书架上;束之高阁;被搁置的;闲置的

2、Weak supervision文章阅读

2. Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection Using Image Labels


3. Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation by Iteratively Mining Common Object Features

1. Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation using Class Peak Response

本文是一篇弱监督的instance segmentation,监督信息也是image-level的,有点没太看懂。大概是通过训练分类网络,得到每个类别的response map,通过在上面采样peak,也就是局部最大值,将peak作为一个object中最有代表性的位置,通过反向传播,得到底层的peak response map(图2)。最后将peak response map与off-the-shelf的proposal进行组合得到每类的instance mask,最后做NMS。貌似很关键的一个地方就是,在class response map上乘peak filter(除了peak处是1,其他全是0),这样可以使得到的response map区分性更强(图1,右)

2. Momentum Contrast for Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning

本文是一篇技术型文章,主要解决了无监督学习中,key不够多的问题。设计一个memory bank存放一定量的key(主要是负样本),利用query encoder逐渐更新key encoder,使得key空间大而且连续。本文的实验部分,有时间的话还是认真研读一下,最近时间不太够,就先算了。

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