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to make中文翻译,to make是什么意思,to make发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

to make中文翻译,to make是什么意思,to make发音、用法及例句

1、to make

to make发音

英:  美:

to make中文意思翻译



to make双语使用场景

1、The earth takes a year to make a circuit of (ie go round) the sun.───地球绕太阳一周需要一年时间。

2、We stand ready to make joint efforts with the rest of the world to strive for good outcomes of the Copenhagen Conference.───我们愿与世界各国共同努力,争取哥本哈根会议取得比较好的效果。

3、It only takes a minute to make a salad.───只要一会儿就能做好色拉。

4、We squashed up to make room for Sue.───我们挤了挤,给休让了个地方。

5、To deal with this, some villains will even try wearing a trench coat over their costume to make it to the front of the bank teller's line.───为了对付这种情况,坏蛋甚至试过穿着大衣然后在银行等候线前再暴露身份。

6、Why should I want to make you feel bad?───我干吗要让你难过呢?

7、Some phone messages may have been deleted to make room for more messages, giving her family false hope that she was still alive.───一些电话信息可能被删除,为更多信息腾出空间,这给了她的家人虚假的希望,认为她还活着。

8、I shall have to make a report to my company. Then if you don't co-operate, it'll be taken out of my hands.───我将不得不向我的公司汇报,如果你们不合作,我将再无责任处理此事。

9、It's an advance that means living cells could be persuaded to make proteins with properties that have never been seen in the natural world.───这是很大的一个提升,意味着活细胞如今能够利用自然界中前所未有的方式来合成蛋白质。

to make相似词语短语

1、to unmake───未制作

2、to remake───翻拍

3、to comake───使

4、to mase───它很胖。

5、to mak───n.(Tomak)人名;(塞、土)托马克

6、to market───去市场

7、to maze───迷宫

8、to mate───交配

9、to mike───给迈克

2、making与to make 放在句首的区别

to do不定式 用在句首时候 一般作目的状语

如:To make herself (well) understood by the students,Miss Lee drew a picture on the blackboard.

doing 动名词 放在句首一般做主语

如:Working is good exercise.

当然有时候也用it做形式主语 来代替动名词(真正主语)



主动语态 被动语态

一般式 writing being written

完成式 having written having been written

否定式:not +动名词


Working is good exercise.

It is fun having guests for the weekend.

当动名词复杂而长时,为保持句子的平衡,可后置,it 为句子的形式主语

It is no use trying to persuade him.

It is no good talking to a person like her.



(suggest, finish, stop, mind, enjoy, put off, practise, advise, consider…)

The doctor advised taking exercise.

do +限定词(the, my, some, much, …)+doing

Who will do the cooking?


He has some difficulty in keeping five children in school.

C、作形容词worth, busy的宾语

He was worth teaching.

The teacher is busy correcting the students’ exam papers.

D、need, require, want作为“需要”,动名词的主动表示被动或用不定式的被动。

The window needs cleaning(to be cleaned).



I remember Wei Fang’s going there.= I remember going there.


Would you mind my(me) opening the window?


Is there any hope of our team winning the game?

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