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graze the roof中文翻译,graze the roof是什么意思,graze the roof发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

graze the roof中文翻译,graze the roof是什么意思,graze the roof发音、用法及例句

1、graze the roof

graze the roof发音

英:  美:

graze the roof中文意思翻译



graze the roof双语使用场景

1、Cows appear to graze on the point of a roof of a house in Newton Abbot, Devon.───德文郡牛顿·阿博特的奶牛看上去似乎在一幢房子的屋顶上食草。

graze the roof相似词语短语

1、lift the roof───把屋顶抬起来

2、rule the roost───vi.称雄;当家;作主

3、hit the roof───vi.大怒

4、brave the rain───冒雨

5、ride the rods───不买票乘车

6、take the road───出发

7、take the role───扮演角色;起作用

8、raise the roof───v.喧闹;大声抱怨

9、repair the roof───修理屋顶


roof英 [ru:f] 美 [ruf,rʊf]n.屋顶,房屋; 最高部,顶部; 最高限度; 口腔顶部vt.给…盖顶; 覆盖; 保护,庇护复数: roofs 过去式: roofed 过去分词: roofed 现在分词: roofing 第三人称单数: roofs派生词:roofless 双语例句1. There is a wide veranda under the overhang of the roof. 悬吊的屋顶下是一条宽阔的游廊。2. Water tanks should be well lagged and the roof well insulated. 水箱和屋顶都需要敷设严密的保温层。3. Goldsmith has repaired the roof to ensure the house is wind-proof. 戈德史密斯修理了屋顶,以确保房屋能够抗风。4. Mills have iron pillars all over the place holding up the roof. 工厂里四处都立有铁柱支撑着房顶。5. Last night some of the prisoners appeared on the roof. 昨晚,其中几个犯人出现在房顶上。

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