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push in中文翻译,push in是什么意思,push in发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

push in中文翻译,push in是什么意思,push in发音、用法及例句

push in

push in发音

英:  美:

push in中文意思翻译


向里推; 推进去; 挤入内; 粗暴地打断

push in双语使用场景

1、Don't push in; wait in line like everyone else.───别挤进来, 要像大家一样挨个儿排队.

2、Install push - in fasteners holding fascia to quarter panel at wheelwell opening.───安装将面板紧固到车轮井开口的四分之一扇形盘上的推进式固定件.

3、Push - in cou? lings enable fast, simple connection.───推启用cou? lings快速, 简便的连接.

4、Install push - in fasteners holding trunk lid slam bumpers to top of fascia.───安装将行李厢盖沿保险杆紧固到面板顶部上的推进式固定件.

5、Amos used to push in where he was not wanted.───艾莫斯经常不招自来,到处乱闯.

6、Suddenly I felt a push in the back.───突然我感到后面有人推我.

7、Make deep slashes in the meat and push in the spice paste.───在肉上切出深深的口子,再把辣酱塞进切口中。

8、Be sure the RED reset button ( High Limit Control ) is properly set: push in firmly reset.───确保红色重置按钮 ( 高温限制控制器 ) 被正确设置: 如果需要重置,请使劲按一下重置按钮.

9、Install push - in fastener holding center of fascia to rear closure panel.───安装中心面板紧固到后罩盘上的推进式固定件.

10、When you get nervous, push in a lunging position against a wall.───当你紧张时, 以前冲的姿势用力推墙.

11、Route the vacuum harness through the instrument panel opening and reinstall the vacuum harness push - in retainer.───将真空线束穿过仪表板口并重新安装真空线束推入扣件.

12、C . Slightly push in the rubber ring to make is flat.───角略在推动橡胶圈,使是平坦的.

13、He wants to open his own business, but needs a push in the right direction to get him started.───他想创业,但还需要适当的鼓励助他起步。

14、A little push in the right direction can make a big difference.───往正确的方向迈进一小步便是一次重大变迁的开始.

15、you feel a push in your back.───你能从背后感觉到这个推力。

16、You switch on, push in the disk and there you are!───你打开开关,把磁盘推进去就行了!

17、Push in a little bit, everybody.───大家朝里挤一点.

18、The check valve and relief valve seats shall be push - in type.───这种止回阀和安全阀阀座应该是推入式的.

push in相似词语短语


2、bash in───打坏

3、push fit───推入配合

4、pushed in───推进,闯入


6、punch in───上班打卡

7、push on───推进;推动;努力向前

8、pushes in───推进,闯入


push in和cut in的区别?

cut in (on sb/sth) 打断(谈话),插嘴

英式英语的 push in 含义是:插队,加塞;在美式英语中则用 cut in 表达这个含义

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