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in北京(in beijing中文翻译,in beijing是什么意思,in beijing发音、用法及例句)

04-11 投稿

in北京(in beijing中文翻译,in beijing是什么意思,in beijing发音、用法及例句)

1、in beijing

in beijing发音

英:  美:

in beijing中文意思翻译



in beijing双语使用场景

1、What I like best is the autumn in Beijing.───我最喜欢的是北京的秋天.

2、They stopped over in Beijing for several days.───他们中途在北京逗留了几天.

3、She set up shop as a bookseller in Beijing.───她在北京开了一家书店.

4、He was born in Beijing.───他出生在北京.

5、Next time you are in Beijing, look me up.───你下次来北京时, 来找我.

6、They talked about their life in Beijing twenty years ago.───他们谈到了20年前在北京的生活.

7、My parents are in Beijing.───我父母在北京.

8、He studied physics in Beijing University for two years.───他曾在北京大学物理系肄业两年.

9、They should have arrived in Beijing by this time.───他们这个时候该到北京了.

10、That is the man whom I met in Beijing last year.───他就是我去年在北京碰见的那个人.

11、Can we arrive in Beijing on time or not?───我们能否按时到达北京?

12、He sent his mother a telegram upon his arrival in Beijing.───他一抵达北京就给母亲发了电报.

13、They arrived in Beijing yesterday.───他们昨天到达北京.

14、He stayed in Beijing for ten days.───他在北京待了10天.

15、He arrived in Beijing on the 15 th.───他15日抵京.

in beijing相似词语短语

1、main building───主建筑,主楼;村庄大楼


3、in hiding───隐藏的;在隐藏中

4、in waiting───侍奉;等待中

5、in hidings───隐藏的;在隐藏中

6、main bearing───[机]主轴承

7、plain bearing───[机]滑动轴承;平面轴承;普通轴承;滑体轴承

8、in training───准备就绪

9、main bearings───[机]主轴承

2、是in beijing in china还是in beijing china

1.在中国的北京,可以翻译为in Beijing,China或者in Bejing of China.

2.实际上,翻译在中国的北京,in Beijing in China或者是in Beijing China 都是不对的。


4.。。of。。。意为什么的什么,所以中国的北京也可以翻译为Beijing of China.例如美国的纽约也可以翻译为New York of United States,英国的伦敦也可以翻译为London of UK.

5.句子示例:①I am working in Beijing,China/I am working in Beijing of China.


②There are so many famous places in Beijing,China/There are so many famous places in Beijing of China.



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