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frown upon(fell upon中文翻译,fell upon是什么意思,fell upon发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

frown upon(fell upon中文翻译,fell upon是什么意思,fell upon发音、用法及例句)

fell upon

fell upon发音

英:  美:

fell upon中文意思翻译



fell upon双语使用场景

1、Golden light came through the window and fell upon a bed. The Princess was on the bed. Her eyes were shut. She was asleep.───金色的阳光透过窗户洒落在床上,公主躺在床上,她的眼睛闭着,也睡着。

2、A noise fell upon his ear.───他听到一个声音。

3、he laid the flowers on the table, his eye fell upon a note in Grace's handwriting.───他把花放在桌上时,突然注意到一张有格雷斯笔迹的便条。

4、The entire suspicion fell upon the servant.───全落在[集中在]这个仆人身上。

5、But we were pilgrims in this new country of activism and the police fell upon us like the plague before we had done any damage at all.───但是在这个新的激进主义国家我们是朝圣者,我们还没来得及搞任何破坏活动,警察就像瘟疫一样对我们进行了袭击。

6、Without another word I pulled her off the bed and threw her on to the floor. And then I fell upon her like a tiger!───没多说话,我把她拖下床推倒在地,然后像头老虎一样扑了上去!

7、Morrel uttered a loud exclamation, and frantic, doubtful, dazzled, AS though by a celestial vision, he fell upon his knees.───莫雷尔发出一声大叫,他如痴如狂充满疑惑、象是看到了天堂的景象,感到头晕目眩似的跪了下去。

8、But you see, he slipped and the beaker of this deadly potion fell upon his foot, destroying the flesh and the shoe itself.───但是他把失了手,把烧杯中的致命药水溅到了脚上,把肉和鞋都腐蚀掉了。

9、As he emerged from the water, he came in contact with a stone and fell upon his knees.───他走出水时,碰到一块石头就跪着跌倒了。

fell upon相似词语短语

1、fall upon───开始行动,进攻

2、feed upon───依靠

3、falls upon───开始行动,进攻

4、dwells upon───深思;细想;仔细想

5、fallen upon───开始行动,进攻

6、dwell upon───深思;细想;仔细想

7、fell on───落到

8、call upon───号召;要求;拜访

9、fell pony───费尔小型马

fall on me中文歌词意思?



fall on (或upon)


They fell on the enemy vigorously.



The responsibility fell upon me.


The bulk of the work will fall on you and me.


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