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king of underground中文翻译,king of underground是什么意思,king of underground发音、用法及例句

02-08 投稿

king of underground中文翻译,king of underground是什么意思,king of underground发音、用法及例句

1、king of underground

king of underground发音

英:  美:

king of underground中文意思翻译



king of underground双语使用场景

1、When he became King of the state of Qin at the age of 13, he immediately ordered workers to construct an underground tomb for him.───他在13那年当上了秦国的国君后,就立即下令为自己建造一座地下陵墓。

king of underground相似词语短语

1、underground garage───地下车库

2、underground water───地下水;潜水;地下水; 坑内水


4、tackle underground───地下铲运机

5、underground railway───地下铁路;地铁

6、underground parking───地下停车场

7、king of king───王者之王

8、empires of the underground───地下帝国

9、democratic underground───民主地下组织



Chiyou Jiuli city is located in the first group of Zhangjiaba community, Dianshui street, on the left bank of Wujiang River, covering an area of 30 hectares. The scenic area is arranged with two axes, two districts and nine stars. There are four gates in the East, West, north, South, zhuniuchang, Xuanshui landscape, Sanmiao corridor, Jiuli tribe, Beidou Qixing (jingguanting), Kuixing tower, shenwentai, Chiyou temple, Jiuli palace, underground labyrinth, former residence of Miao king, Miao Wangfu, xiaochangba, dianjiangtai, Jiuli Shenzhu, Jiuli Hotel, tourist service center, shopping corridor, and delicious food A street, parking lot, Miaowang garden and other major buildings. Among them, Jiuli Shenzhu, Jiuli palace, jiudaomen and the annual Chiyou ceremony are the biggest attractions.

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