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play chess中文翻译,play chess是什么意思,play chess发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

play chess中文翻译,play chess是什么意思,play chess发音、用法及例句

play chess

play chess发音

英:[pleɪ tʃes]  美:[pleɪ tʃes]

英:  美:

play chess中文意思翻译



play chess双语使用场景

1、I seldom play chess, but I like to watch.───我很少下棋, 但是喜欢看.

2、"Do you play chess?" he asked, looking askance at Miguel.───“你会下棋吗?”他斜睨着米格尔问道。

3、Do you know how to play chess?───你会下棋 吗 ?

4、I don't know how to play chess, but I know how to play cards.───我不会下国际象棋, 但是我会玩纸牌.

5、You could learn to play chess in, ( let's ) say, three months.───学下国际象棋要用, 比如说, 叁个月吧.

6、We often play chess, swim and play table tennis together.───我们经常一起下棋, 游泳和打乒乓球.

7、I suggest we play chess this evening.───我提议咱们今晚下盘棋.

8、I know how to play chess. How about you?───我会下国际象棋. 你呢?

9、I play chess, and I like taking pictures.───我下象棋, 还喜欢摄影.

10、Is he your equal in play chess?───他的棋艺跟你一样好 吗 ?

11、Do you like to play chess?───你爱下棋 吗 ?

12、John wants to play chess.───约翰要下棋。

13、Mark, can you play chess?───马克, 你会下棋 吗 ?

14、I have to be in the right frame of mind to play chess.───下棋时,我的心境处于很集中的状态.

15、Then they started to play chess.───后面他们就开始下棋。

16、Do you like to play chess / table tennis?───你爱下棋(打乒乓球吗)?

17、They play chess every day.───他们每天下棋。

18、They can play chess, so can we.───他们会下棋, 我们也会.

play chess相似词语短语

1、play schools───n.幼儿园;幼稚园


3、play hell───玩地狱吧

4、pay check───付薪金用的支票


6、play clothes───n.游乐装;轻便装

7、pay checks───付薪金用的支票

8、play bass───演奏低音

9、blitz chess───黑棋



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