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scenic spots中文翻译,scenic spots是什么意思,scenic spots发音、用法及例句

03-29 投稿

scenic spots中文翻译,scenic spots是什么意思,scenic spots发音、用法及例句

1、scenic spots

scenic spots发音

英:  美:

scenic spots中文意思翻译



scenic spots双语使用场景

1、With a long history, the city has many historical and scenic spots.───由于历史悠久, 这个城市有许多历史和风景名胜.

2、Would you recommend some scenic spots to see here?───你给我推荐一些这儿供游览的风景区好 吗 ?

3、But I've got some brochure about the scenic spots there.───但我这儿有些关于那里风景的材料.

4、The exquisitely constructed scenic spots offer fine examples of workmanship.───这些旅游景观制作精巧,工艺精湛.

5、Other Scenic Spots: Deyang Confucius Temple, Art wall.───其它景点:德阳孔庙,艺术墙。

6、It has a lot of scenic spots & historical relics in the area.───在青浦区内和周边有着许多风景名胜 、 历史遗迹.

7、Will you please tell me something about scenic spots on the way.───外宾:能否请您告诉我沿途一些风景点的情况?

8、Could you recommend some scenic spots to us?───你可以给我们推荐一些景点吗?

9、She took pleasure in reciting the list of scenic spots around the town.───她很乐意地历数该镇周围的风景点.

10、I'd prefer to visIt'some of the scenic spots with my uncle on Saturday.───星期六我要和舅舅去参观一些风景区.

11、Are there some scenic spots on the way to F?───外宾:到F途中有风景名胜 吗 ?

12、The main scenic spots of Beihai Park consist of three parts.───北海公园的主要景点由三部分组成.

13、I admire scenic beauty. Can you name some scenic spots?───我很喜欢美景. 你能说出一些风景点 吗 ?

14、This is one of the most beautiful scenic spots.───这是最美丽的风景之一.

15、For example, transportation develops fast, and many scenic spots are available now.───举例来说, 运输快速地发展, 而且许多风景好的地点现在是可得的.

16、The ministry started comprehensive regulation of national scenic spots in 2003.───2003年,建设部实行了全国自然风景区全面整治.

17、It is such a beautiful place that definitely deserves its rank among China's top scenic spots.───这真是一个非常美丽的地方,绝对值得列入中国顶级风景名胜区行列。

18、The city is famed for its scenic spots.───该市以风景优美著称.

scenic spots相似词语短语

1、athletic sports───体育运动

2、scenic route───风景线

3、scenic designs───风景设计

4、iconic status───象征性地位;标志性地位;偶像级地位

5、sweet spots───甜蜜点;最有效点;最佳击球位置

6、picnic spots───野餐地点

7、scenic reserves───风景保护区

8、picnic spot───野餐地点

9、electronic sports───电子竞技


景点的英文:scenic spotsscenic spots英文发音:[ˈsiːnɪk spɒts]中文释义:景点;旅游景点;风景名胜例句:Now I understand this is one of Kanas Lake's scenic spots, Yueliang ( Moon) Lake.我明白了,这里就是喀纳斯湖的标志景点之一月亮湾了。词汇解析:

1、scenic英文发音:[ˈsiːnɪk]中文释义:adj.风景优美的;舞台布景的例句:This is an extremely scenic part of America.这是美国风景非常秀丽的一个地区。

2、spots英文发音:[spɒts]中文释义:n.斑点;污迹;污渍;脏点;(皮肤上的)丘疹,疱疹,粉刺;脓疱例句:Not surprisingly, it's one of the world's top spots for divers.经常,它是一个世界的顶级的潜水员的地点。扩展资料scenic的同根词:1、scenery英文发音:['siːn(ə)rɪ]中文释义:n. 风景;景色;舞台布景例句:But what about its scenery?可是里面的景色怎么样?2、scenically英文发音:['si:nikli]中文释义:adv. 布景地;风景优美地例句:The train journey from Sarajevo to Belgrade may have huge symbolic significance but, scenically从萨拉热窝到贝尔格莱德的火车旅程虽有巨大的象征意义

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