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far and away什么意思(far and away中文翻译,far and away是什么意思,far and away发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

far and away什么意思(far and away中文翻译,far and away是什么意思,far and away发音、用法及例句)

far and away

far and away发音

英:  美:

far and away中文意思翻译





far and away双语使用场景

1、This is far and away the most important point.───这无疑是最重要的一点.

2、This building is far and away taller than that one.───这幢楼房比那幢楼高得多.

3、Indeed, this is far and away the most important lesson of the crisis.───事实上,这是危机给我们最重要的教训。

4、He is far and away the greatest poet living.───他是目前最最伟大的诗人.

5、Paul is far and away the most competent person in our firm.───保罗无疑是我们公司最能干的人.

6、She's far and away the best player.───她是当之无愧的最佳选手。

7、This tree is far and away the oldest in the forest.───这棵树是树林里最最老的一棵.

8、This is far and away the most important area of research for travellers.───这对于旅行者来说无疑是最重要的研究部分。

9、She is far and away the best actress in the country.───她无疑是国内最优秀的女演员.

10、My company's strength has been exceed craft brother far and away.───我公司的实力已经远远超过同行.

11、He's far and away the greatest artist.───他无疑是一位最伟大的艺术家.

12、The church clock far and away struck twelve.───远处教堂的钟敲了12点.

13、This is far and away the best book on the subject.───这无疑是论述这个问题的最好的一本书.

14、She is far and away the better actress.───她是一位非常好的演员.

15、It was far and away the best meal he had ever eaten.───这无疑是他所吃过的最好的饭菜.

16、He is far and away the best player on our tennis team.───他是我们网球队里打得最好的选手.

17、This pizza is far and away the best I have ever tasted.───无疑,这个比萨是我尝过最棒的.

18、He's still far and away the best we have.───他仍然是我们最最优秀的人才。

far and away相似词语短语

1、out and away───大大地,远远地

2、bargained away───廉价脱手;议价出售

3、far and near───远近;四面八方;到处

4、carried away───带走;非常激动;使…失去自制力

5、year and a day───一年零一天

6、once and away───一次了结地;一劳永逸地;彻底地

7、fallen away───vt.消失;背离,离开;疏失;抛弃;消瘦;倾斜

8、carting away───拖走

9、carted away───被车运走

by far and away是什么意思?

by far and away迄今为止双语对照例句:

1.Mr gerran is by far and away the biggest share holder. 戈伦先生是最最大的股东。

2.One student who was present said that xu` s song was by far and away the highlight ofthe evening. 据在场的学生说,许校长的表演毫无疑问是当晚晚会的高潮。

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