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residual risk中文翻译,residual risk是什么意思,residual risk发音、用法及例句

03-29 投稿

residual risk中文翻译,residual risk是什么意思,residual risk发音、用法及例句

1、residual risk

residual risk发音

英:  美:

residual risk中文意思翻译



residual risk双语使用场景

1、Decision makers and other stakeholders should be aware of the nature and extent of the residual risk after risk treatment.───决策者和其他利益相关者在风险处理后应该了解剩余风险的性质和范围。

2、Unique risk may be called unsystematic risk, residual risk, specific risk, or diversifiable risk.───21特定风险可以被称为非系统风险 、 剩余风险 、 特定风险或者可分散风险.

3、If the costs are too high, you may end up with a residual risk for the online collaboration project.───如果成本过高,您的在线协作项目也许最终要残留一些风险。

4、There is still residual risk despite the fact that we would manage those things so there would always be more that we need to do.───这些危险因素之外仍然存在残余风险,这就说明我们除了控制好这些危险因素,还有更多的工作要做。

residual risk相似词语短语

1、residual power───剩余动力;剩余功率

2、residual heat───余热,[热]残热;剩余热

3、residual current───[电]剩余电流

4、residual value───剩余价值;残值

5、reduced risk───减小风险

6、residual heats───余热,[热]残热;剩余热


2、Residual Risk是什么意思啊

residual risk

英[rɪˈzɪdʒu:əl risk]

美[rɪˈzɪdʒuəl rɪsk]

n. 剩余风险;

[例句]Even so, regulators have to have some sort of control on the incentives of management, as long as taxpayers bear residual risk.


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