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heavenly bodies中文翻译,heavenly bodies是什么意思,heavenly bodies发音、用法及例句

03-29 投稿

heavenly bodies中文翻译,heavenly bodies是什么意思,heavenly bodies发音、用法及例句

heavenly bodies

heavenly bodies发音

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heavenly bodies中文意思翻译


n.天体; 天体( heavenly body的名词复数 )

heavenly bodies双语使用场景

1、The Sun and moon don't , but those heavenly bodies aren't planets, of course.───所以你将发现所有的行星都会逆行.

2、The science of astronomy relates to heavenly bodies.───天文学是一门有关天体的科学.

3、Jyotisha thus signifies the'science of heavenly bodies "───周谛士因此就意味着 “ 研究天体的科学 ”

4、How do we explain why heavenly bodies orbit around other heavenly bodies?───那么该如何解释天堂里的物体相互之间环绕运行呢?

5、To us the sun is the most important of all the heavenly bodies.───对我们来说太阳是所有天体中最重要的一个。

6、Shoemakers went to an observatory near San Diego, California to observe heavenly bodies till dawn.───苏梅克夫妇到加利福尼亚圣迭戈附近的一座天文台去观测天体,直到黎明.

7、Before the Northern Song Dynasty, the navigation is determines the direction using heavenly bodies position.───北宋前, 航海者是利用日月星辰的位置来判定方向.

8、Matthew Arnold has suggested that we might take a lesson from the heavenly bodies.───阿诺德曾经提议,我们尽可从天体撷取教训.

9、Heavenly bodies attract one another.───天体彼此吸引.

10、Some think he was the first to study the heavenly bodies, as Eudemus says in his history of astronomy.───有些人认为,泰勒斯是第一个进行天体研究的人,欧德摩斯在天文学史中就是这样说的。

heavenly bodies相似词语短语

1、heavenly bamboo───天竹

2、Platonic bodies───柏拉图体

3、parent bodies───[天]母体

4、Lewy bodies───路易氏小体

5、Heavenly Father───天父(歌曲名,HeavenlyFather);圣父(**名,HeavenlyFather)

6、heavenly body───[天]天体

7、Heavenly City───天堂般的城市


9、heavenly bamboos───天竹


11月,索尼PS Plus会免游戏已于今日开放领取,分别是《仁王2》 (PS5/PS4)、《乐高:哈利波特合集》 (PS4)、《Heavenly Bodies》(PS5/PS4),共3款。《仁王2》是非常优秀的动作角色扮演游戏,可惜会免的不是完全版,DLC需额外购买。

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