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environment variables(environment variable中文翻译,environment variable是什么意思,environment variable发音、用法及例

03-29 投稿

environment variables(environment variable中文翻译,environment variable是什么意思,environment variable发音、用法及例句)

environment variable

environment variable发音

英:  美:

environment variable中文意思翻译



environment variable双语使用场景

1、This environment variable must be defined.───必须定义此环境变量。

2、Set up the environment variable ROO-DEV in your system settings, which should point to the bootstrap folder within the Roo project.───在您的系统设置中建立环境变量 ROO-DEV,该变量应指向 Roo 项目中的引导文件夹。

3、If you want to remove an environment variable, simply type unset and the name of the variables, as shown in Listing 8.───如果您要删除一个环境变量,只需输入unset加上变量名即可,如清单8所示。

4、The CCACHE_LOGFILE environment variable defines the location of a log file that will be populated as you use ccache.───CCACHE_LOGFILE环境变量定义了使用高速缓存时生成的日志文件所处的位置。

5、Then click OK to set the environment variable.───然后单击“确定”,以设置此环境变量。

6、The format is like the system's PATH environment variable: a list of directories separated with a colon in Unix or semicolon in Windows.───格式和系统的PATH环境变量类似:一组目录的列表,在UNIX下用冒号分隔,在Windows下用分号分隔。

7、A full path is required if the specified file is not in one of the directories in the PATH environment variable.───如果在环境变量PATH的某个目录中没有指定的文件,则必须使用完整路径。

8、You can take advantage of that by simply referencing it in the CLASSPATH environment variable.───通过在CLASSPATH环境变量中引用该位置,就可以使用那个文件。

9、This module defines a method called acceptance_only, which checks the BUILD environment variable to see which testing phase is executing.───该模块定义一个名为acceptance_only的方法,该方法检查BUILD环境变量,确定哪个测试阶段处于执行中。

environment variable相似词语短语



3、environmental risk───环境危险;环境风险

4、dependent variable───因变量;他变数;[数]应变数

5、independent variable───[数]自变量;[数]自变数


7、independent variables───自变量;独立变量


9、environmental damage───[环境]环境损害;破坏环境

The CATALINA_HOME environment variable is not defined correctly是怎么情况

之前一运行就关闭了,后来在cmd下面输入(tomcat的路径)bin\startup.bat run 回车后报的是 the catalina_home environment variable is not defined correctly,修改了JAVA_HOME中的值为D:\java\jdk1.6.0就解决了。

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