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bass drum中文翻译,bass drum是什么意思,bass drum发音、用法及例句

03-29 投稿

bass drum中文翻译,bass drum是什么意思,bass drum发音、用法及例句

bass drum

bass drum发音

英:[ˌbeɪs ˈdrʌm]  美:[ˌbeɪs ˈdrʌm]

英:  美:

bass drum中文意思翻译




bass drum双语使用场景

1、From young when he with the little brother together, follow father, uncles to make bass drum.───从年轻时他就与弟弟一起, 跟着父亲 、 叔叔们制大鼓.

2、The kick drum may have a pillow resting up against the inside bass drum head.───底鼓里可能会有一个鼓枕靠着鼓皮放在鼓腔中.

3、The sounds of chanting, laughter and the marching bass drum.───吟唱声、欢笑声驻及行进的低音鼓。

4、A bass was painted on the head of the bass drum.───在低音鼓的头上画了只鲈鱼.

5、Strings, bassoon, tuba, timpani and gran causa ( bass drum ) march along with moody determination.───弦乐 、 低音管 、 大号 、 定音鼓和低音鼓犹豫着前进.

6、My bass drum bass drum, they love to hear my bass drum.───我的大鼓, 他们喜欢听我敲大鼓.

7、This stops the bass drum from ringing ( reverberating ) like a tom.───这会防止底鼓出现像桶鼓般 ( 混响似的 ) 亮声.

8、Typically the pillow rests equally between the bottom of the bass drum and the inside head.───通常来说,鼓枕要平均的放在鼓腔底部和鼓皮之间.

9、He shouted with extreme loudness. He made a bass drum of Miss Martha's counter .───他拼命叫嚷着,用力地敲着玛莎小姐的柜台,像是在敲低音大鼓。

10、bass drum and the tuba or in the marching band, it would be a sousaphone they would call it, the bass drum and tuba.───低音鼓和低音号,或在军乐队中,该是他们所说的苏萨大号、低音鼓和低音号。

11、During his childhood, Ronaldo wanted to be a soldier or play the bass drum.───在他童年时代, 罗纳尔多曾想当兵,或做低音鼓手.

12、Finally, bass drum, sheng, suona music and other folk instruments.───最后是大鼓 、 笙 、 唢呐等民间乐器配乐.

bass drum相似词语短语

1、bass horns───低音喇叭

2、snare drum───小军鼓

3、bass flute───低音长笛;低音竹笛

4、brake drum───[机]制动鼓;[车辆]刹车鼓

5、bass drums───大鼓,低音鼓

6、bongo drum───一种用手指敲的小鼓,小手鼓;非洲产大羚羊

7、brake drums───[机]制动鼓;[车辆]刹车鼓

8、ear drum───鼓室;耳鼓膜




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