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short notice中文翻译,short notice是什么意思,short notice发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

short notice中文翻译,short notice是什么意思,short notice发音、用法及例句

short notice

short notice发音

英:  美:

short notice中文意思翻译



short notice双语使用场景

1、Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.───谢谢您这样快就安排见我.

2、Plenty of refinancings are arranged at short notice.───许多资金都是临时就可以筹得的.

3、Savers want freedom - access to their money on short notice.───储蓄者想要自由:不用提前太久的通知,钱就可以取出来.

4、The airplane will take off at short notice.───一接到通知这架飞机就立刻起飞.

5、Can you be ready at short notice?───你能一接到通知马上就准备好 吗 ?

6、We went on holiday at such short notice that I didn't say goodbye to Eric.───我们动身去休假之前十分仓促,我来不及向埃里克告别.

7、no one available on such short notice to take her class.───这么短时间通知,找不到人接她的课。

8、They have to leave for France at short notice.───他们一接到通知就得马上动身去法国.

9、I'm afraid you rather caught me on the wrong foot, asking for it at such short notice.───真抱歉,你这么急迫地向我要这个东西,我实在有点措手不及.

10、I hate to spring this on you at such short notice.───很抱歉,向你突如其来提出这件事.

11、Britain was poised to fly medical staff to the country at short notice.───英国随时准备把医护人员空运到该国。

12、Ask you manager for a day off at short notice.───临时向经理请一天的假期.

13、Can these bonds berealized at short notice?───这些债券能在短期内兑现 吗 ?

14、They are ready to start at short notice.───他们已准备好,一接到通知就立即出发.

15、Requirements may be subject to change at short notice.───在短期内,要求可能会有所变动.

16、I realize it's quite short notice.───我知道这事情很仓促.

17、This was the best room we could get at such short notice.───这是我们临时能弄到的最好的房间了。

short notice相似词语短语

1、charge notice───收费通知书

2、prior notice───事先通知;预先通报

3、short splice───短编结

4、at short notice───在短时间内;立刻,即刻;一通知到就

5、short splices───短编结

6、short notices───临时通知

7、short time───短时间;不足的工时

at short notice什么意思?





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